
Nico's research project on the demoscene

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Hi everyone

I am currently doing a research project on creativity and the demoscene, as i am a phd focusing on collaboration and creativity - and where in the world is there more of that, than in our beloved scene?

I will be running around Revision doing interviews with people creating stuff, or having created stuff, but I have also created this lovely questionnaire - it aims at giving me some background and insights into current demoscene practice.

SO: if you want to really really really help a brother out, take the time to fill out the sheet here:


It can seem massive, but I hate those multi-page ones where you dont know how far in you are and such. None of the fields are mandatory either, so fill them out to the best of your ability. I do consider this a (sort of) outreach too, even if this is not in any way the main purpose.
added on the 2013-03-26 14:25:17 by nic0 nic0
... the tentative results will go in a workshop at IS-EUD 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark: http://iseud.net/
added on the 2013-03-26 14:29:04 by nic0 nic0

How old are you?

40 or above

No new sceners born around years '88-'93
added on the 2013-03-26 14:31:27 by waffle waffle
crap :D bad beta-testing BAD
added on the 2013-03-26 14:34:09 by nic0 nic0
fixed :p
added on the 2013-03-26 14:35:38 by nic0 nic0
I tried my best.
added on the 2013-03-26 14:44:35 by PotcFdk PotcFdk
are your items evidence based?!?!?!?!
added on the 2013-03-26 14:45:53 by el mal el mal
@nic0, try this: http://www.kameli.net/demoresearch2/
added on the 2013-03-26 14:53:11 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
Where does one check at the age 20, 30 and 35? ;)

Let me help you:
0 - 15
16 - 20
21 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
added on the 2013-03-26 14:53:59 by Punqtured Punqtured
(or more logically - in steps of 5, and with last one corrected) :D

0 - 15
16 - 20
21 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
41 and above
added on the 2013-03-26 14:58:40 by Punqtured Punqtured
Exactly what PotcFdk said :)
added on the 2013-03-26 15:12:41 by mog mog
clearly my skills at counting and quantitative research are somewhat lacking - luckily the real data here are your written answers, not your ages :p
added on the 2013-03-26 15:46:22 by nic0 nic0
maali: im from the department of Arts, nothing is evidence-based there ;)
added on the 2013-03-26 15:49:58 by nic0 nic0
Alone_Coder: wow, thanks! thats my related work-section right there! :D
added on the 2013-03-26 15:57:16 by nic0 nic0
You are doing a PhD in ARTS?! In Austria that's not possible. In Austria you can at most do a Master's degree if you are studying arts.
added on the 2013-03-26 19:02:16 by Adok Adok
adok: dunno what's worse.. a PhD in arts or your wannabe academic drivel constantly :P
added on the 2013-03-26 19:23:06 by el mal el mal
Adok: I am used to presenting at conferences with people who have been trolling people for a living for several decades (professors), so dont even try :)

I could mention maybe that I do HCI and Interaction design research, and my department is insanely crossdisciplinary - so maybe "Arts" is not really precise, or it means something else in Austria - "humanities" is perhaps more precise in a germanic context.
added on the 2013-03-26 21:21:42 by nic0 nic0
nic0lade, I've done your mo.. questionarie as well!
added on the 2013-03-26 21:24:48 by booster booster
thanks to everyone who have already answered - would love more answers though... its not mandatory to answer all fields (none of them actually), so if something makes fuck all sense, just skip it :)
added on the 2013-03-26 22:19:33 by nic0 nic0
I can do some fake answers!
added on the 2013-03-26 22:26:01 by booster booster
added on the 2013-03-26 22:30:44 by Puryx Puryx
added on the 2013-03-26 22:48:08 by Preacher Preacher
Done. Hit me up at Revision if you want!
added on the 2013-03-26 23:03:26 by numtek numtek
Coming to Revision, too. Maybe some research-oriented beer somewhere?
added on the 2013-03-26 23:11:42 by Marq Marq
