
Assembler in DOS.

category: code [glöplog]
okay, i just wrapped up my turbo assembler and started to code after all these years..
and then generating .com files with the tiny model, org100h, but then i tried to write some procedures with the 'proc' method and then calling the procedure with 'call' in the main-code, i got this error message: "Fatal: cannot generate com file. data below initial CS:IP defined". maybe there are some directives i am missing? i dont know. i basically know what segments are, but i dont know why it wont link.
added on the 2011-05-03 21:08:31 by rudi rudi
In .COM files, the initial entry point *must* be at 100h (i.e. the first thing in your program must be code).

If you want to define data at the top, to something like

Code: org 100h start: jmp real_start var1 dw 0 var2 dw 0 ; ... real_start: ; program starts here
added on the 2011-05-03 21:15:00 by ryg ryg
thanks ryg. it worked. unbelieveable! :b
added on the 2011-05-03 21:28:04 by rudi rudi


lol. :)
now im stuck again.

i define an array as this: screen db 64000 dup(0); and when i try mov ax,screen it wont work either mov ax,screen[0]. to get to change the byte(s) of that array?
added on the 2011-05-04 18:38:33 by rudi rudi
mov di,screen
added on the 2011-05-04 18:40:13 by Gargaj Gargaj
Gargaj: i get error under compilation for mov di,screen => "operand types do not match"
added on the 2011-05-04 18:43:16 by rudi rudi
oh, i forgot to change db to dw.
added on the 2011-05-04 18:44:41 by rudi rudi
lea dx,screen
mov di, dx

if you use dw instead of db, you are actually allocating 64000 words (not bytes)
added on the 2011-05-04 18:47:42 by Jcl Jcl
still stuck.

i'll just post the important code here anyway...
Code: .model tiny .code org 100h main: jmp real_start mode dw 0013h ;default video mode video dw 0A000h screen dw 32000 dup(0) ;our backbuffer flip proc push ds ;push ax ;push cx mov ax,video mov es,ax mov di, screen stosb mov ds,ax xor si,si xor di,di mov cx,32000 rep movsw ;pop cx ;pop ax pop ds endp real_start: mov mode, 0011h call SetMode ; call clearScreen ; call readTicks ; call charOut ; call waitKeyPress ; call Exit ;********************************* ;get a seed from the runtime clock ;********************************* call readTicks mov seed, dl ;********** ;start loop ;********** mov cx,65535;1000; 2000;65535;80*40 ;init loop counter (80*25)(40*25) again: call rndfunc ;changes to bl mov seed, bl push ax ;mov ax,screen ;0a000h ;mov es,ax ;es = address of video ;add ax,cx ;mov al, bl ;color ;stosb ; mov dl,seed ;puts ascii char in dl ; call charout ;30h=0, 31h=1 pop ax ;mov ax,0 mov ah,01h int 16h jz again mov ah,00h int 16h cmp al, 1bh ;check escape character je quit call flip jmp again ;increments cx (counter) quit: ; call waitKeyPress call Exit end main

basically, i just want the flip procedure to work..
added on the 2011-05-04 18:47:47 by rudi rudi
This is off my mind but...

Code: flip proc push si push di push ds les di,[video] lds si,[screen] mov cx,32000 rep movsw pop ds pop di pop si endp
added on the 2011-05-04 18:52:22 by Jcl Jcl
actually, that'd fail...

More like:

Code: flip proc push si push di push ds mov ax,video mov es,ax xor di, di lds si,[screen] mov cx,32000 rep movsw pop ds pop di pop si endp

If my mind serves well...
added on the 2011-05-04 19:00:31 by Jcl Jcl
You do know that mov is mov dest, src, right? :)
You could just put the screen buffer in the next segment if you create a COM file.

Code: mov ax,cs add ah,10h mov es,ax

So the flip would become:

Code: push ds push es mov ax,cs add ah,10h mov ds,ax push 0a000h pop es xor si,si xor di,di mov cx,16000 rep movsd pop es pop ds
added on the 2011-05-04 19:37:33 by mic mic

first things first:

Code: mode dw 0013h ;default video mode video dw 0A000h screen dw 32000 dup(0) ;our backbuffer

don't use dw for constants! That's what EQU (or just "=") is there for.

second, don't put 64000 bytes of *initialized* data into a .COM file! because congratulations, minus that and the 256 byte PSP you now have exactly 1280 bytes left for all your remaining code+initialized data+stack. allocate the 64k separately (either from DOS or manage your own memory) and use that. anyway, moving on.

i don't know what the "stosb" in flip is supposed to accomplish, but it's bullshit. di should be zero - video memory starts at 0a000h:0.

changing screen to a "dw 32000 dup (0)" from a "db 64000 dup (0)" is BS too. that's only necessary because of another bug in that code: "mov di, screen" won't work (even ignoring the fact that you should be loading it to si not di). this is TASM not NASM; "mov di, screen" is exactly equivalent to "mov di, [screen]" (which is why it wouldn't let you do it for the "db" version). but that's not what you want. what you want is either "mov si, offset screen" or "lea si, screen" or "lea si, [screen]" (all three accomplish the same thing).

jcl: "lds si, [blah]" will interpret blah as a *far pointer* (i.e. 16-bit offset followed by 16-bit segment) and load that into ds:si. that's how the "les bp, [bx]" trick i used in some of my <=64b-intros works (bx is 0 on startup, and if you look at the PSP layout, you'll find that this will result in bp=020cdh, es=size of available memory in paragraphs. normally this is 9fffh which is just 16b off 0a000h.

mics code will work though and mentions the right approach (allocating the screen backbuffer in a different segment). listen to the man, he knows what he's doing!
added on the 2011-05-04 22:23:32 by ryg ryg
ok thanks for all the great help so far. i used mic's approach at the end.
so it works good. i'll be post the code so if you can see other weird things that are not supposed to be there. let me know.

Code: waitKeyPress proc mov ah,0 int 16h ret endp flip proc push ds ;push ds on stack push es mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax ;move dest into ax mov ax,0a000h; add ah,10h mov ds,ax ;move src into ds xor si,si ;src clear xor di,di ;dst clear mov cx,19200 rep movsw ;copy src to dst (ds:si -> es:di) pop es pop ds ret endp ;********************************* ;get a seed from the runtime clock ;********************************* call readTicks mov seed, dl ;********** ;start loop ;********** again: mov ax,0a000h ;move video mem into ax add ah,10h ;jump to backbuffer mov es,ax ;backbuffer[ES:DI] = bl xor di,di fillrnd: call rndfunc ;changes to bl mov seed, bl ;iterated rand: output->input mov al,bl ;mov randcol into al stosb ;store al at ES:DI cmp di,38400 jne fillrnd call flip ;****************** ;check for keypress ;****************** mov ah,01h int 16h jz again mov ah,00h int 16h cmp al, 1bh ;check escape character je quit jmp again ;increments cx (counter) quit: call Exit end main
added on the 2011-05-05 08:40:04 by rudi rudi
jcl: "lds si, [blah]" will interpret blah as a *far pointer* (i.e. 16-bit offset followed by 16-bit segment) and load that into ds:si.

That's totally right... but hey, it's been like 10/12 years since I last used any x86 assembler! :D
added on the 2011-05-05 08:45:23 by Jcl Jcl
I have coded the cartoon fish during the years of 1996 and finish it in 2004, but it runs only on msdos with vesa, and I do not want anymore to port it on windows. the sources are available on my web site : http://laurent.horus.free.fr/
added on the 2011-05-05 09:16:23 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
what's the code to open a windows window in assembler and draw into ?
added on the 2011-05-05 09:21:14 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
where I can find tasm.exe and tlink.exe ?
added on the 2011-05-05 09:34:30 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
tasm. don't go there. there be dragons.
also it is not free. use MASM32 or NASM.

This uses MASM32 that btw has lots of examples for this kind of shit.
added on the 2011-05-05 10:06:51 by raer raer
Is there a Service Pack ASM ... SPASM ;)
added on the 2011-05-05 12:04:01 by Punqtured Punqtured
i have tasm 3.2
added on the 2011-05-05 14:20:59 by rudi rudi
added on the 2011-05-05 15:01:41 by ferris ferris
What about FASM? Dunno if it does .com but sure does 64 if you wanna go for that.

@Ferris you forgot the "or" before "gasm". ;)
added on the 2011-05-05 15:12:18 by yumeji yumeji
