Remake Future Crew's Second Reality and other classic demos, or not?
category: general [glöplog]
My friend and I were debating if old classic demos should be remade with newer codes and graphics with the same designs and elements. I said no, and I would like the old ones to be untouched and no remakes be done like crazy Hollyweird/Hollywood is doing these days. :( I'd rather see new stuff. Borrowed ideas is OK too as long as they are not direct copies.
What do you guys think? Thank you in advance. :)
What do you guys think? Thank you in advance. :)
Not even 1/2-bit cheese would make that 1/2 enjoyable.
Not even 1/2-bit cheese would make that 1/2 enjoyable.
No more second reality remakes, thanks. If you want to choose something else
It's been done. It didn't work.
it's too much work to do justice to the original.
it's too much work to do justice to the original.
I would love to see remakes (good), but then again I agree with all.
Second Reality 64 was ok and funny surprise as it was maybe the first true big attempt.
Desert Dreams 64 was really good. The masters should take care of doing a real good remake like this for example.
I was dreaming of Second Reality on CPC, and many years ago we were discussing it in with some CPC dudes, but yesterday while I was sleeping and dreaming of CPC effects, I thought why do 2ndreality on the CPC if one can put the same work and do a new original real kicking CPC demo? So I abandoned the idea and just dreamed of a dreamy CPC demo nobody has seen before..
Rob is Jarig remake would rule though :)
Second Reality 64 was ok and funny surprise as it was maybe the first true big attempt.
Desert Dreams 64 was really good. The masters should take care of doing a real good remake like this for example.
I was dreaming of Second Reality on CPC, and many years ago we were discussing it in with some CPC dudes, but yesterday while I was sleeping and dreaming of CPC effects, I thought why do 2ndreality on the CPC if one can put the same work and do a new original real kicking CPC demo? So I abandoned the idea and just dreamed of a dreamy CPC demo nobody has seen before..
Rob is Jarig remake would rule though :)
I mean, I agree. It should only be done if it's planned with good work to do justice.
There have been remakes of demos, but, as far as I know, most of those have been done on more limited platforms than the originals, with, in my opinion, various degrees of successfullness. For example, I consider the C64 remake of Desert Dreams to be brilliant, whereas I'm not a big fan of Second Reality on c64... but I'm not a big fan of the original either, so...
I agree, some prods will be lost when the machines go into oblivion, less and less people have amiga's and such, and less and less people care about installing an emulator.
But a HQ video rip and background info is good enough to make the title last forever, and being really platform independend.
The only thing you don't have is the "OMG it's so small!" experience, but meh.
But a HQ video rip and background info is good enough to make the title last forever, and being really platform independend.
The only thing you don't have is the "OMG it's so small!" experience, but meh.
no remakes needed. i would be happy if someone would release HD versions (or simply add resolution switchers) of demos released in the new millenium, which don't have a resolution switcher like coma by cocoon
Muna could really benefit from anaglyphic 3d
Never enough of Second Reality! A 1:1 copy of SecondReality in JavaScript would be fun!
It's perfectly alright in my opinion, if you're the original author.
Don't cock up someone else's work.
Don't cock up someone else's work.
What trace and others said.
Kudos to the groups who did great remakes though. Desert Dreams 64 is definitely one of them!
PauloFalcao: If you have the determination to hold on to that project and do a remake that does justice to the original 9" demo, go ahead! Really! Personally I don't and prefer to spend the little time I have on one shot prods or original prods.
Kudos to the groups who did great remakes though. Desert Dreams 64 is definitely one of them!
PauloFalcao: If you have the determination to hold on to that project and do a remake that does justice to the original 9" demo, go ahead! Really! Personally I don't and prefer to spend the little time I have on one shot prods or original prods.
btw. referencing a scene or two I think is pretty cool, like in shizzle for example.
p01, unless i win the EuroMillions european lottery, i also think that don't have time to do SecondReality in JavaScript :P
I think it's a brilliant idea! Wow! A remake of Second Reality - what an awesome thing to do? I can't believe nobody thought about doing that before!What do you guys think?
Someone should do remakes of all ASD asm demos with better music and sync :-)
Its the demoscene. Do whatever the hell you want.
I personally don't see the point, and unless you did something really amazing i can't think of, I imagine I would thumb the end result down.
I personally don't see the point, and unless you did something really amazing i can't think of, I imagine I would thumb the end result down.
let's talk about doing stuff instead of doing stuff
Doing Nuskool Remix of "old" classics would be cooler imo.
That way you dont have to remake anything, but use the idees from the orginal demo and do it your own way.
Some would call it ripping,biting. But who the hell doesnt bite stuff theese days?
That way you dont have to remake anything, but use the idees from the orginal demo and do it your own way.
Some would call it ripping,biting. But who the hell doesnt bite stuff theese days?
50 years old with no teeth ;)