
Making an ambient pad out of a jazz loop

category: general [glöplog]
so what you're telling us is that you need to buy bunch of effects to make good ambient?
Interesting. very.
not really. My claim is not that general - there are LOTS of ways to do ambient and none of them are universal. I would say that the main idea is that one of the ways is to use complex sounds, to look at ambient music as sound sculpting. It is impossible to sculpt sound without having any sound changing tools.

Ambient is simply a flat structured music, where the hierarchy of leads and backgrounds is flattened, so strictly you don't need electronic music at all to produce ambient - you can as well do it with acoustic instruments.
Then be more general inside your tutorials.
Wear a french cap, smoke a cigarette, use renoise and be more general because your tutorial is going to be misunderstood and some lame ass will get it like that and try to reproduce your ways while the right way is to think during a moment that you can make anything out of everything.
lol fruityloops!
also, GTFO and get a blog instead of all these *yawn* threads of yours.
added on the 2009-03-07 12:33:20 by el mal el mal
I don't see a problem with the tutorial, knl. The video simply says that you can produce ambient pads and textures using any sound as a source (not necessarily as a modulator, btw) - and this is true. The tutorial doesn't say anything else.

If lame ass (later referred to as LA) will try to reproduce what I do, he will soon feel that thinking during the moment is the way to go. In fact, LA is a very unstable state of mind. Each LA sooner or later becomes NSVLA (not so very lame ass).
The video simply says that you can produce ambient pads and textures using any sound as a source (not necessarily as a modulator, btw) - and this is true.

Holy epiphany, batman! :) It's like saying that you can make a drum sound using any sound as a source. Also true, and rather trivial.

lol fruityloops!

Well, some people (khonnor f.e.) made some pretty nifty things in FL. But then again, that might have been in spite of FL, not because of it. ;)
added on the 2009-03-07 13:17:02 by tomaes tomaes
I can only agree with kaneel here. It just sounds and looks like OrangeVocoder is all the magic here, and you wouldn't even need a jazz loop in that case.
go make a demo about it(tm)
added on the 2009-03-07 13:24:12 by havoc havoc
Not even mentionning that using orange vocoder is a nono since its been overused.
A lot is based on Orange vocoder in this exact example. However, not all - just Orange vocoder would be very dull. Note the granulation before the vocoding, not the peak controller LFOing of parameters. I am not saying I am a genius and this video opens eyes to new dimensions. But it does, imo, show the basic concept of working with sound rather than with notes.
Thank for the screencast Louigi, personnaly I find it interesting !
added on the 2009-03-07 14:59:32 by wullon wullon
The Pouet Way:

1. Someone shares something nice
2. A bunch of idiots add their "criticism"
3. Everybody wins!
added on the 2009-03-07 15:53:11 by vibrator vibrator
The vocoder makes most of it. You could fart in a microphone, that would sound the same (except that you would have to produce a lot of farts).
added on the 2009-03-07 16:12:11 by willbe willbe
Go produce a lot of farts about it.
added on the 2009-03-07 17:18:07 by raina raina
Yea the "out of a jazz loop" in the title is misleading.
added on the 2009-03-07 17:53:48 by wullon wullon
Don't mess up with kannel! He's a Jazz musician.
added on the 2009-03-07 18:22:43 by xernobyl xernobyl
Basicly you get some loop and add reverb to it. Did I get it right? :|
added on the 2009-03-07 18:25:05 by xernobyl xernobyl
xernobyl: Almost - now you need to make a YouTube video explaining it.
added on the 2009-03-07 19:32:55 by gloom gloom
Well, I do not agree that vocoder makes the most of it. If you put a vocoder over the loop, it will sound very different, very overused and very boring. What makes it work is the combination: granulizer, vocoder, space effect and then LFO on certain parameters which made it alive.

Also, using vocoder is not a bad thing to do. Just use it creatively. I believe what I showed is not a standard use of a vocoder.
"Yea the "out of a jazz loop" in the title is misleading"

perhaps. because in reality the loop is the modulating signal. however, technically it is correct - the used loop is jazz. Did it to show the contrast - that it doesn't matter what sound you use. What matters is it's complexity and timbre of the modulating signal.
I believe what I showed is not a standard use of a vocoder.

Is like using presets honestly, I find it quite funny someone like you just act like he thinks he has something to learn to people but yeah, I'm bitching like a bad guy and I enjoy it. Just meet more musicians inside this field and you'll see what you shown is just the common journey of anyone making his own sounds... which mean a few people.
next thing you know we'll be gating chords with the hihat's sidechain
using presets is not a bad thing at all. not using them simply because they are presets is very limiting. this originality fetish, when it is implied that every bit of what you do has to be original and done only from scratch is nothing more than just one of the decisions - and I must say it is not always a good one. i use presets when I find it necessary or fitting my ideas.

as for commonality - it is arguable. many people write music as notes combinations. the trend of writing sound based music rather than note based music is still very new and I would be happy for it to become common one day - sound music is great art. so behind a quick 4 minute video there is a concept of a different approach to composing music - it is not about orange vocoder, I do use other tools and techniques.
I usually use CTRL-R for my presets. But I guess that's just me that don't release my stuff :P
added on the 2009-03-08 01:55:50 by xernobyl xernobyl
