
Fairlight can not be dead!

category: general [glöplog]
Shocking news shattered the scene today. It's been announced that Fairlight, one of the oldest warez and demo groups in the history of the scene had been disbanded. The official announcement can be read here:


Now, just some thoughts...
The most probable reason for such an unexpected decision is that Pitbull, the leader of Razor 1911 warez sect had recently been busted by FBI, and sentenced for 1.5 years of prison.
However, this was not the first case that such an important member of the warez scene was caught. Just remember, Drink or Die was busted perhaps just a half year ago. No other groups has announced their liquidation when it happened.
More importantly, according to the unwritten rules of the scene - at least as far as I know - such a great group's death can only be announced by the original founders. Hence, Strider, Bacchus or some other old FLT member should address the scene. Without that, I'd say the entire fuzz is just to confuse the stupid cops, to let hem celebrate another victory on the "software pirate mafia". I'd say FLT will be back in no time.
added on the 2003-06-10 19:43:58 by tomcat tomcat
hm, tomcat, pitbull was busted in dec2001, he was senteced a few weeks ago, but he was busted at the same time as all other ppl durin the DOD bust... and no, that was not a half year ago, that was in dec 2001,

I guess its because FBI use unfair gestapomethods to catch criminals since crackers = hackers = terrorists in their eyes.

but then again, who cares about the warezscene? =)
afaik that shit doesnt affect FLT-DEMO.
added on the 2003-06-10 20:17:40 by dipswitch dipswitch
Well, I just read the news item about Pitbull, among today's news. However, as I re-checked, it's actually about sentencing him, not catching.

About it affecting the demo sect, I afraid it does. It's been said that Pantaloon also announced the end of the demo section. I, however, haven't seen his announcement personally.
added on the 2003-06-10 22:28:17 by tomcat tomcat
As dipswitch said, I don't think this will affect FLT's demo-section in anyway, as the boundaries between warez & demos aren't so present these days anymore anyways. I cannot remember any cracktros that were included with ISO releases (at least not on the PC) despite from some older Razor releases.
added on the 2003-06-11 00:11:37 by polymorph polymorph
who cares as long as flt-c64 lives =)
added on the 2003-06-11 00:18:39 by Dalton Dalton
wrz ppl r caught because of money.
sounds like an interesting story to tell.
well, constrained doesnt know shit what he talks about, sounds like the rest of the 14 year old game teenagers thinking fairlight earned big bucks on everything, and for the record, both c-64/amiga/pc fairlight is rip, thats it. nothing more to that.
added on the 2003-06-11 00:28:41 by pantaloon pantaloon
my mistake : ppl gets caught because of fame.
I thought the demoscene had divorced itself from the warez scene many years ago.
i dont care about the demodivions, but to bad the warez div. is gone :(
added on the 2003-06-11 05:25:50 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
They're not dead. They're going out on top.

They're resting. The Norwegian Blue prefers kipping on it's back.

Because, Scott, you're the lamest character in the Xmen and she didn't want to hang around you anymore. God you're a loser. Give Jeordy back his visor.

Under the water, remove the water. Damn, you know you're old when someone mistakes Talking Heads for Radiohead.

The parts are greater than the whole.
That's too bad... I really liked "Only Kings and Better"
(Whatever happened to those creative titles?)
added on the 2003-06-11 07:37:10 by crusader crusader
"who cares about the warezscene?" If it considers a group like FLT, anyone who knows anything about the demoscene's history.
added on the 2003-06-11 09:14:34 by break break
what about "legends never die" ?
added on the 2003-06-11 10:17:52 by bzz bzz
i will really miss their great relaeses in the warezzone.. if theyre really gone...
added on the 2003-06-11 10:39:58 by v3nom v3nom
In case you didn't know, the DEMO division has stopped activity aswell. FLT is now past. :-|

added on the 2003-06-11 10:45:31 by nystep nystep
How about passing the great fairlight name on to new members? (not talentless fame seeking lamers though)

It would be sad to see so much scene history come to an end...
added on the 2003-06-11 11:08:45 by psonice psonice
If it doesn't come to an end, how will it become history? ;)
added on the 2003-06-11 11:13:51 by Optimus Optimus
Actually history doesn't really end, all the fairlight productions have influenced other productions, which will influence future prods.

Just like we're still living through the consequences of ww2 still.

But I still want a follow up to the twisted chipster disk. Or at least a fix for the 1st one ;)
added on the 2003-06-11 11:27:34 by psonice psonice
on #c-64 members of fairlight-c64 said, that they will continue, so who cares about the rest...
added on the 2003-06-11 13:22:39 by Spinball Spinball
spinball, lets hope so =)
added on the 2003-06-11 13:44:05 by dalezr dalezr
<daleczyk> die jungs von flt-c64 sucken
added on the 2003-06-11 14:07:45 by reed reed
reed, this has been sorted out with hollowman last night.
maybe you should put in the rest of your log aswell.
added on the 2003-06-11 14:17:16 by dalezr dalezr
the rest of it wasn't as funny so i didn't log it :)
added on the 2003-06-11 14:23:06 by reed reed
