
KB unt der breakpoint 2003 party

category: general [glöplog]
Session Start: Tue Apr 22 20:22:51 2003
Session Ident: macaw
[20:22] <stefancrs> [20:21] <voxel^^> rasmus?
[20:22] <stefancrs> [20:21] <voxel^^> what does it mean?
[20:22] <stefancrs> [20:21] <voxel^^> are you rasmus?
[20:22] <stefancrs> [20:21] <voxel^^> what is this expressioN
[20:22] <stefancrs> [20:21] <voxel^^> ?
[20:22] <stefancrs> [20:22] <stefancrs> wtf :)
[20:23] <macaw> haha :D
[20:23] <stefancrs> konstig typ :)
[20:23] <macaw> some dude went up to me and told me if i didn't like him screaming RIGHT INTO my ear - then i didn't know what scene is. Then i asked him who i was and who the guy next to me was (slummy) and he said err?
[20:23] <macaw> ja
[20:23] <macaw> :)
[20:24] <stefancrs> öh :)
[20:24] <stefancrs> nån tjej skrek lator i örat också
[20:24] <stefancrs> skrek saker om tinitus :)
[20:24] <macaw> hehe, det er altid godt
[20:25] <stefancrs> klart det är!
[20:25] <stefancrs> hade du roligt?
[20:26] <macaw> ja, men jeg drak kun torsdag, fredag og lørdag - da jeg skulle køre fra Bingen + 350km
[20:26] <stefancrs> uff
[20:26] <stefancrs> men. åkte du inte på måndag?
[20:26] <macaw> jo
[20:26] <stefancrs> och du festade tor, fre och lör?
[20:26] <macaw> ja
[20:27] <stefancrs> vad var problemet? :) du tog det ju lungt på söndag
[20:27] <macaw> hehe
[20:27] <stefancrs> vi hade ungefär 1300km att köra liksom :)
[20:27] <macaw> ja
[20:27] <macaw> ;)
[20:27] <stefancrs> äh. sopa!
[20:27] <macaw> men i havde gode biler
[20:27] <macaw> ;]
[20:27] <stefancrs> joo
[20:28] <stefancrs> varför tävlade du inte med nått? eller gjorde du det?
[20:28] <macaw> vores bil kunne kun køre 30km/t op ad bakkerne ved Kassel :)
[20:28] <stefancrs> saknade nått hysteriskt stökigt
[20:28] <stefancrs> HAHAHAHAHAHA
[20:29] <macaw> men, tor fre og lør var jeg ganske fuld :)
[20:29] <macaw> (ligesom alle andre!)
[20:30] <stefancrs> jag var full ungefär från att vi åkte från göteborg tills vi kom till danmark på måndag/tisdag natt :)
[20:30] <stefancrs> det var DÄRFÖR jag inte tävlade med nått (utom tbl-demot då)
[20:30] <macaw> hehe
[20:30] <macaw> ;)
[20:30] <stefancrs> det var roligt där iaf. höll på med ett demo. men köpte en back öl istället
[20:30] <macaw> hehe ;)
[20:30] <macaw> :)
[20:30] <stefancrs> men. fan. du och lator bråkade ju inget. det var tråkigt
[20:30] <stefancrs> ni är för lika
[20:31] <stefancrs> jag vart skitsur på honom på vägen hem dock
[20:31] <stefancrs> slog honom i huvudet flera ggr
[20:31] <macaw> \o/
[20:31] <macaw> godt!
[20:31] <stefancrs> HAHAHA
[20:31] <macaw> hehe, jeg gad ikke. men vi havde et væddemål blandt danskerene om hvem der kunne score kb
[20:31] <stefancrs> score som i sätta på? :)
[20:31] <macaw> ja
[20:32] <macaw> puljen var oppe på 250EUr
[20:32] <stefancrs> haha. VEM GJORDE DET DÅ?
[20:32] <macaw> ingen ;(
[20:32] <stefancrs> SOPOR :)
[20:32] <macaw> de turde ikke, og jeg synes ikke jeg ville melde mig frivillig
[20:32] <stefancrs> äääh. vore ju astufft att göra det. om man hade en kamera
[20:33] <stefancrs> då kunde man ta (eller knäppa som vi säger då. eh.) kort på det hela under tiden
[20:33] <stefancrs> och visa för alla sen
[20:33] <stefancrs> "kolla, jag har satt på kb i röven"
[20:33] <macaw> hahahaha
[20:33] <macaw> ;D
[20:33] <macaw> det kunne være du ville have deltaget i væddemålet?
[20:34] <stefancrs> ja
[20:34] <stefancrs> jeg elsker kb
[20:34] <macaw> hehe
[20:34] <stefancrs> i röven
[20:35] <stefancrs> nu postar jag den här loggen på pouet
[20:35] <stefancrs> om det går komma åt sidan
[20:35] <macaw> hehe, jaja
[20:36] <macaw> husk det rare billede af kb
[20:36] <stefancrs> [20:35] <voxel^^> so
[20:36] <stefancrs> [20:36] <voxel^^> whats a rasmus?
[20:36] <stefancrs> [20:36] <stefancrs> macaw is rasmus, foo
[20:36] <stefancrs> fool menar jag
[20:36] <macaw> http://www.digitalexcess.de/gallery/showpic.php?bp2003?600
[20:37] <stefancrs> ja du ser! klart man vill spänna på honom
[20:37] <macaw> jaja
[20:37] <macaw> han er da klart en favorit
[20:37] <stefancrs> absolut. och jag ska också vara med i loggen
[20:37] <stefancrs> http://www.trutje.nl/breakpoint/steffo.JPG
[20:37] <macaw> hehe
[20:38] <macaw> så skal jeg vel også
[20:38] <macaw> hvor shifter tilbyder at give mig et blowjob
[20:38] <macaw> http://panic.joroinen.fi/~pk/breakpoint03/img_0232.jpg
[20:38] <stefancrs> de som inte snackar svenska/norska/danska kommer ju fatta mycket. fast de är sopor
[20:38] <stefancrs> faan, inte en till sida jag måste titta på alla bilder på! jävla skit :)
[20:38] <macaw> hehe
[20:38] <stefancrs> ah. jag har redan tittat på dom. tur för dig
[20:39] <macaw> hehe
[20:40] <stefancrs> [20:39] <voxel^^> yes but what does rasmus means
[20:40] <stefancrs> WTF?
[20:40] <stefancrs> vad är det med karln?
[20:41] <macaw> hehe
[20:41] <macaw> han er en IDIOT
[20:41] <stefancrs> AHA!
[20:41] <macaw> altså voxel == idiot ;)
[20:42] <stefancrs> ja, jag förstod.
[20:42] <stefancrs> men tack :)
[20:42] <macaw> hehe
[20:42] <macaw> ;D
[20:42] <stefancrs> nu ska jag posta så att KB får veta att jag ÄLSKAR honom. i röven.
[20:42] <macaw> ja, gør det. vi mangler lige at sige at dk-bussen var tæt på at lave bangbus med diamonDIE
[20:43] <stefancrs> det får ni göra. jag tar kb
[20:43] <macaw> hehe
[20:43] <macaw> god arbejdslyst!
[20:43] <stefancrs> haha ja
added on the 2003-04-22 20:43:39 by steffo steffo
added on the 2003-04-22 20:48:23 by bzz bzz
stefan, spring i motvind så ser jag din penis som förgrund till vingårdarna pressad mot gylfen på byxorna.

kb passar typ in i en andra årets estetklass på nått gymnasium i dalarna.
*** kb is hunted
added on the 2003-04-22 21:24:40 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
jo, men vad betyder rasmus?? ;)
added on the 2003-04-23 00:04:18 by ekoli ekoli
err... speak my language or get out of my car... nevermind!
added on the 2003-04-23 06:24:35 by GltTcH GltTcH
hehe, rasmus din kylling, i kunne ellers være blevet et yndigt par :)
added on the 2003-04-23 09:42:54 by jar jar
haha, titta på den här vittu joo.
_| |__
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added on the 2003-04-23 10:09:11 by kurli kurli
Aarg, the fucking lame html ruined my nice ascii!
added on the 2003-04-23 10:10:20 by kurli kurli
wuu first of all i was not the only one wondering about rasmus and by the way its stupid too. maybe its his name but i still dont know why everybody say that... hehe
but i dont care
added on the 2003-04-23 12:16:12 by voxel voxel
wuu first of all i was not the only one wondering about rasmus and by the way its stupid too. maybe its his name but i still dont know why everybody say that... hehe
but i dont care
added on the 2003-04-23 12:18:49 by voxel voxel
added on the 2003-04-23 13:12:10 by Sanx Sanx
so... when will the "I fucked the girl in farb-rausch!" T-shirt be available?
added on the 2003-04-23 14:59:41 by quarn quarn
pretty much around the same time as the "RAZOR 1911 SUCKS" longsleeves
added on the 2003-04-23 15:40:10 by Shifter Shifter
"the girl in farb-rausch"? Is Optimus informed on this matter? ;)
added on the 2003-04-23 17:15:43 by ekoli ekoli
Is ekoli informed in the matter of the "I fucked the girl in Hanson" t-shirt?
added on the 2003-04-23 17:36:38 by steffo steffo
yeah, she's hot! Could you send me one from your personal collection?
added on the 2003-04-23 17:45:36 by ekoli ekoli
Ekoli: http://www.tshirthell.com/shirts/tshirt.php?sku=a01&style=a&color=2%3A+CHOOSE+COLOR&size=3%3A+CHOOSE+A+SIZE
added on the 2003-04-23 17:48:15 by steffo steffo
oh, I thought it was all a stupid joke!
Some of the t-shirts they sold almost justifies one being sodomized by a bikerchick with a strap-on.
added on the 2003-04-23 18:01:11 by ekoli ekoli
I didn't got it. A thread with KB as a subject and Rasmus as the main issue? The only assumption i could do with that I could do out of this, is that KB=Rasmus, but I am stupid lol =)
added on the 2003-04-23 18:04:25 by Optimus Optimus
I should start running around at parties with a "i wanna be your slut" t-shirt, let's see what happens ;)
added on the 2003-04-24 11:00:38 by kb_ kb_
Write "I wanna be your slut, steffo" and things WILL happen. For sure.
added on the 2003-04-24 11:03:41 by steffo steffo
optimus, kb = rasmus.

don't tell me you really didn't know.

i guess you're also thinking not kusma is not kusma eh.
added on the 2003-04-24 14:41:15 by skrebbel skrebbel
RICHARD: psssh, i'm still glad that nobody recognized how often I changed clothing and haircut at BP ;)
added on the 2003-04-24 15:10:04 by kb_ kb_
kb, I noticed :) And I had a new outfit each day as well.

RICHARD: well, actually, "not kusma" is "not kusma".
added on the 2003-04-24 15:53:15 by steffo steffo
