
now as pouet is not usable any more..

category: general [glöplog]
what comes next? I mean, this place was so cool about a year before or so.. but now almost everything is crap in here.. the whole demoscene atmosphere of this page is gone.
Somebody is doing a new page..?? :-)
added on the 2003-03-13 08:20:00 by phred phred
so what's wrong here?
do something for it and stop crying :)
added on the 2003-03-13 08:44:10 by astu astu
i suspect that phred is against the soft-porn image i recently posted :-)
Rasmus: Maybe he wants hardcore?;-)
added on the 2003-03-13 08:55:34 by uncle-x uncle-x

its allrite in here, i only hate thread fuckupers :D

added on the 2003-03-13 09:38:41 by raver raver
phred: yeah this place is so uncool now! damn no new skins and not daily pr0n updates ! DAMN IT SUCKS!

seriously however, you sire, are a moron.
added on the 2003-03-13 09:46:10 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
I think Pouet's biggest problem is the ability to post pics in threads.
added on the 2003-03-13 10:47:49 by sprocket sprocket
Yes, there is a lot of lameness in pouet lately..

No, it still rules as a demo web database (It would be much better if someone (or more people) would take care of administrating and correcting/upgrading some features)

Building a new website wouldn't help in anything, since it would become lame after some time again by similar lamers ;P

And who would be able to start again with such a big database? It is so big and I like that someone can find everything he/she wants in here, organized and stuff! As a web demo database is the best thing for ages, much better than hornet or anything. But you are right that some things are sucking in here..

I suggest that some good people finally get the permission and whatever else needed for moderation, at least fixing bugs and making new features. But I am not sure about lame threads or images, if everyone would agree that there is a moderator who deletes lame threads or ban people. First I prefer the free way it is now, rather than censorship, secondly it won't send lamers away. Both censorship and lamers suxx anyways..

You can't have both the tits and the dragon ;P
added on the 2003-03-13 11:06:00 by Optimus Optimus
pouet is nice but it would be great if someone set up a huge demoscene telnet board..
added on the 2003-03-13 11:10:54 by violator violator
rasmus, next time, try by posting a pic of me dancing nude front of my cam...

maybe he'll like that ehehe
Next time, try not to post any pics at all.. "hehe"
added on the 2003-03-13 12:51:50 by sprocket sprocket
no I mean the spirit is gone. Is it just the BBS or are not also the comments to the prods just lame? I mean it's great as a database, but, seriously, the database can easily be copied (by some web-parsing thing) and done on another location with better administrating options.. I don't believe the spirit comes back to pouet.. this thread just shows it. One acceptable answer. Optimus: Why do you bother posting here?
added on the 2003-03-13 13:42:49 by phred phred
another intention in this thread is to show analogue that something has to be done NOW or he has invested all his time for nothing.. ur, ok, not for nothing exactly, then, say, for a website that went fine for about two years (sorry, I'm not here since the beginning), and that is not enough I'd suggest.
added on the 2003-03-13 13:45:15 by phred phred
it's true that pouet was such a wonderfull place at its beginning in 2000
the glop quest was fun since only few prods were there(so ppl were motivated to add the prods they made or they liked), nobody was flaming prods (since there was no thumbs & stuff) all ppl knew each other on pouet..

now it's a bit different.. it's more popular, everyone knows pouet and go check releases on it, there are these stupid thumbs who orientate actually all the comments, which is very stupid.. an opinion can't only be binary..
and pouet just reflects the scene.. if there are idiots in the scene, it's logical that they appear on pouet .. now some people are happy with it, some aren't .. we can't change the scene when changing the website..

i don't think analogue expected such a success from this website.. and he has a life and really doesn't have the time to update it, is it his fault if the website has more than 60 000 comments ??

so yes, one could do better, but nobody did something as great as pouet before, calodox's cde probably inspired pouet, but it wasn't as great as pouet is..

so please stop whining, pouet is still imho an interesting place..
added on the 2003-03-13 14:16:59 by florent florent
Every 2 months the same discussion. And I'm not getting tired to demand:

[x] kill the [img] tag (you can still post pics as [url])
[x] add a delete/modification request button to the prods page which is getting forwarded to analouge (or any other moderator), who can apply or decline the request.

Anything else is up to the users.
added on the 2003-03-13 15:31:00 by tomaes tomaes
I totally agree with Tomaes. Easy to implement, too..
added on the 2003-03-13 16:35:47 by sprocket sprocket
yeah good one, also remove all the thumbed down texts from the comments, so we make sure all negativity is kept away =D
added on the 2003-03-13 16:39:42 by el mal el mal
Tomaes: I know that this discussion happened many times already. And I also know about the answers.
But I think if this won't be done, in about 2 months or so the "scene-users" are gone.
I think, the scene needs pages "to be", and this page has ceased to be a place like that..
Yes, I think pouet stays interesting, but thats not the point I think. I don't think that the point of poet is to be a database.
For me it's more like a place where you can release your stuff and you get noticed.. and if there are so many fake prods and stuff this place is not a place like it should be anymore.
added on the 2003-03-13 16:40:39 by phred phred
I know that this discussion happened many times already. And I also know about the answers.
But I think if this won't be done, in about 2 months or so the "scene-users" are gone.

The really bad times are already behind us. Remember those nick-exploits? ;) And about fake prods: If they are *actual* prods, they belong here. If they're not, you can press the request-del button and the admin can look for it (according to my suggestion above).
added on the 2003-03-13 16:51:42 by tomaes tomaes
yes, I know! But I think this will never be implemented.. this discussion is about half a year old but nothing happened.. so why waiting for it any longer?
added on the 2003-03-13 17:23:00 by phred phred
[x] add a delete/modification request button to the prods page which is getting forwarded to analouge (or any other moderator), who can apply or decline the request.

that will sooner or later turn out into major abuse of the forward option, since everybody knows it's fun to spam analogue with that kind of requests.

well, on the other hand, what is really the problem? if you guys can't come along with the things typed into this very bulletin board, simply avoid reading. the only problem that i see are the trolls that spoil the production pages with either unfunny comments, fake-prods and whatnot.
added on the 2003-03-13 17:52:39 by dalezr dalezr
Well, at least disabling pic posting in comments is easy to implement without any bad consequences..
added on the 2003-03-13 17:58:44 by sprocket sprocket
that will sooner or later turn out into major abuse of the forward option, since everybody knows it's fun to spam analogue with that kind of requests.

No, that won't happen if you're directed to a form where you have to list what and why you'd like to change about a certain prod. The admin/moderator(s) just need to take a look at their sortable del- and change request lists (view most wanted changes at the top) and press a button to apply or decline the request. That surely doesn't consume much admin time. 5 minutes a week, I'd say.

Oh, and someone should 'repair' that quote-tag. It tends to fuck up the page layout. :)
added on the 2003-03-13 18:10:14 by tomaes tomaes
(not to mention the code tag :))
added on the 2003-03-13 18:12:22 by tomaes tomaes
Oh, and someone should 'repair' that quote-tag. It tends to fuck up the page layout. :)

how about an oldfashioned 'the layout is allright, your browser sucks' war? =)
added on the 2003-03-13 18:38:25 by dalezr dalezr
