
[:?:] we want to hear WHY & what do YOU think [:?:]

category: general [glöplog]

02:52 | * Now talking in #pixel
02:52 | * Topic is 'lamest nominees of 2002 ::: http://awards.scene.org/

added on the 2003-02-22 01:59:16 by raver raver
i agree with that topic -- the awards seems rather "wrong". I don't mind that those aren't my exactly preferences, but I do dislike that more or less all categories are filled with the same 5 demos.

(Note: those are all great demos, but I doubt that they are good enough in all the mentioned categories).
I understand if the same demos are in more than one category, since there ain't really that many great demos around lately. Instead I personally wondered why is FR-029 a nominee in the most innovative demo-category, since atleast Digital Dynamite has done the same trick on PC before FR. I think there's also some old Amigaprod that used the R/G glasses technique.
added on the 2003-02-22 08:58:07 by zeroic zeroic

macaw, its kinda obvious, good demos got good gfx/muzik/visuals.. for sure there is some good stuoh left out, its not possible to consider and equally judge all of the demos'2002.. and no need to. awards are still subjective and proves nothing, its just fun and interesting too

bregade: quote from homepage:

Most original concept. A demo or intro from 2002 with most original concept. Contenders have something new to the demoscene, elevate ideas to a new level, or are original in other aspects

really, its not world's first but its rather cool for what it is and definately stands out of the crowd. thing i cant get is what superjam superheroes are doing up there, cause i wouldn't call this demo original.. ok, its very well made and maybe evolves the genre too. also, we dont see such kind of demos often.. damn, maybe it IS original after all? how do i know, and how do you know?

added on the 2003-02-22 09:20:01 by raver raver
yes so that you all know, "most innovative demo" is also called "most original demo" ... so in reality it means either an innovative (2.2 + 2.3) /or/ an authentic work


1. Preceding all others in time; first.
1. Not derived from something else; fresh and unusual: an original play, not an adaptation.
2. Showing a marked departure from previous practice; new: a truly original approach. See Synonyms at new.
3. Productive of new things or new ideas; inventive: an original mind.
4. Being the source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is made.
added on the 2003-02-22 10:04:08 by _-_-__ _-_-__
raver: i was not looking for an explanation - i was just expressing my pov.

To take all categories one-by-one we could do it like this:

Best demo: I have no objections - this seems like an okayish-choise

Best intro: I can't see what neither gracchus/kolor nor salmiakki/tpolm is doing here.

Best effects: Seems okayish.

Best graphics: What's liquid wen/haujobb doing here?

Best soundtrack: I have no objections, only that my opinion is different :-D

Best direction: I don't understand what neither Tom Thumb/Tpolm nor VATTOT/Concept is doing here. Both are build on somewhat good structures but I wouldn't consider them being top of the crop for 2002 :) Imho. "Planet Loop" belongs here.

Most innovative: What's chimera/halcyon and easter egg/orion doing here? (i can partially understand why fr029 is here since TUM had somekind of 3d-projecting hardware [or am i wrong?])

Best new talent: What's AND doing here? He's done several demos before his awesome ASM2002 intro.

.... To be a harsh one could claim that the organizers of this award-thingie seems to be catching on to a few demos in stead of perhaps spreading the awards over more demos.

oh yeh, this is not to sound too negative - i still think it's a nifty idea!!
innovative doesn't simply means "technically" innovative.

but you'll have more answers with the jury statements during the ceremony.

added on the 2003-02-22 10:08:08 by _-_-__ _-_-__
suspend isnt new group(?)
added on the 2003-02-22 10:26:38 by uns3en_ uns3en_
hmmm... not so many surprises, except paradise intro by rgba... nothing special imo :X.

i can't say about amiga prods, but most of pc productions seems to be correct.
added on the 2003-02-22 10:38:38 by shadez shadez

macaw, so was i, it was not an explaination, rather my interpretation of the case =)

added on the 2003-02-22 10:46:24 by raver raver
macaw, you're wrong about 3d projected hardware at TUM, the 3d beamer was at evoke 2002. at tum, farbrausch just brought along some paper 3d glasses.
added on the 2003-02-22 11:06:44 by dipswitch dipswitch
okay :-D I vote for active stereo-projection anyways! (www.cavi.dk)
Scene awards are cool ;)

For sure, selection is not exactly what I would have chosen, but it's quite ok.
added on the 2003-02-22 12:57:13 by Sanx Sanx
quite like the oscars...

now we just also need the scene golden raspberry awards:)

added on the 2003-02-22 13:04:24 by uncle-x uncle-x
rasmus: nope, tum had no 3d-projecting hardware, just a normal beamer. we gave 3d glasses to everyone there before the compo started.

also, there were at least 2 scene demos before ours that use stereo 3d, third dimension by cryptoburners and the third dimension by digital dynamite. so if it's really only about stereo 3d, i don't exactly understand the nomination either :) perhaps it's for the first anaglyph demo that doesn't have "third dimension" in the title, or the first anaglyph intro, or whatever. don't expect me to say more against my own prod though. :)
added on the 2003-02-22 13:19:12 by ryg ryg
I don't understand why Halla is a best demo-nominee. The way I see it, a 3dstudio replay-system without any real effects doesn't qualify for a good demo. Especially not when the engine is buggy as hell and generally looks bad.

Where are all the "good effects" in fr-019? Fr-019 is also just a scene-replay-system with a fancy object-generator, the intro itself features no real effects. The same thing kinda goes for Planet Potion. Don't get me wrong, I like PP.

Oh, and I don't really find ANY of the "most innovative demo"-nominees really innovative.

Suspend is also not a new group. And is not a new coder either.

Ohwell, I'm done bitching. It just seems to me that the scene.org-staff likes to promote their best friends sometimes. (or my demo-taste differs quite a lot from the common taste)
added on the 2003-02-22 13:36:22 by kusma kusma
I somewhat second macaw here. Especially the "most innovative demo" category looks messed up. I actually consider NONE of those nomenies to be innovative. Same goes for "best new talent": Most of 'em have been in the scene for a long time already. AND has made 2 good demos before Squish etc.
added on the 2003-02-22 13:47:22 by tomaes tomaes
the nominees have NOT been chosen by scene.org staff at ALL.

(from scene.org staff, only me and ps are in the jury)

look for yourself
added on the 2003-02-22 14:18:13 by _-_-__ _-_-__
It would be nice to see the list of demos from which the nominees were chosen. Would be perfect fodder for a great flamewar:)
added on the 2003-02-22 14:19:55 by uncle-x uncle-x
as long as TBL and potion will get all the prizes, i think it's fine =P
added on the 2003-02-22 19:26:37 by el mal el mal
uncle-x, for the complete list of demos where nominees were chosen go to scene.org and download the contents of /pub/parties/2002/ directory.

jury comments will be available on the awards website after the prize giving ceremony. perhaps that will clear you up why these demos were nominated.
added on the 2003-02-23 00:10:20 by melw melw
this is the same whining that goes over and over after every (scene)activity including voting, or nominating...
there are always smart people who do know better than other, and other smart people who do know that there was cheating, and other smart people who....
why can't you admit, that those prods are the ones that are liked by the masses?
...democracy simply suck...
added on the 2003-02-23 11:17:55 by FooLman FooLman
dancing tango
added on the 2003-02-23 11:22:12 by superplek superplek
well, as long as everyone is bitching about the selection of nominees, you're on the right way.
added on the 2003-02-23 11:44:43 by ryg ryg
