
Direct Downloads

category: general [glöplog]
I'd love to ask for people uploading prods to submit a direct download URL, instead of either webpages or the scene.org mirror page: pouet already has (and has had it for a long time) a "mirror" link to search on scene.org (or others).

Now you can fill up this thread with funny images or BASS-like posts.

Thank you, drive through.
added on the 2005-11-10 11:05:40 by Jcl Jcl
I always prefer a link to the mirror page so that I can choose the download location instead of hitting a direct link to a overcrowded ftp. Don't listen to this man! :)
added on the 2005-11-10 11:08:11 by melw melw
melwyn: so click on the "mirror" link right under the "download" one :)
added on the 2005-11-10 11:13:07 by Jcl Jcl
as usual, i agree with jcl!

alternatively, a cool scene.org-auto-select-mirror-cookie-feature (*without* sourceforge-style delay) would be even better. you had a new php whore now, right?
added on the 2005-11-10 11:15:13 by skrebbel skrebbel
Jcl has been here:

BB Image
added on the 2005-11-10 13:21:06 by jaw jaw
and not to be forgotten:

BB Image
added on the 2005-11-10 13:24:32 by jaw jaw
i agree with melwyn.
added on the 2005-11-10 13:27:37 by nosfe nosfe
I agree with nosfe.
added on the 2005-11-10 13:46:23 by Preacher Preacher
I'm with melwyn here. I'd like to know if I'm going to download a 10 MB or a 600 MB prod. Pouet doesn't show sizes, scene.org does.
madenmann has a point about knowing the size of a download before clicking it... i personally don't mind whether it's a direct download or a link to scene.org, but i'd rather that there was consistency, ie. everyone sticks to either one or the other.
i agree with you all to a certain degree! HUGS TO YOU ALL!!
(i agree the most with nosfe, though)
added on the 2005-11-10 14:13:52 by kusma kusma
Auto download is great, where you could "rank" your mirrors on scene.org, if you are logged in it could go via sceneid, if not it could do with a cookie..

However, a direct link (not Mirrors...) for scene.org direct-page would be much appreciated, since some of us occasionnaly steals broadband from random routers who filters ftp and such..
added on the 2005-11-10 15:35:54 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
i guess this all screams for a multiple download thing since the current "main link, source, video, disk2" thing is kinda sorry looking.
added on the 2005-11-10 15:47:54 by Gargaj Gargaj
What melwyn says sounds reasonable to me.

added on the 2005-11-11 01:17:00 by sergeeo sergeeo
What melwyn says sounds reasonable to me.


added on the 2005-11-11 01:22:05 by Shifter Shifter
absolutely seconding with jcl.
added on the 2005-11-11 01:25:35 by dipswitch dipswitch
i agree with nosfe, melwyn and jcl but disagree with madenmann, dipswitch and kusma. i also agree with lobsters everywhere and fish whose name starts with b.
added on the 2005-11-11 01:28:11 by jeenio jeenio
i choose not to give a fuck eitherway. :)
added on the 2005-11-11 02:22:16 by psenough psenough
i disagree with jeenio.
added on the 2005-11-11 02:53:14 by mrdoob mrdoob
i disagree with trace and myself. but i agree with ps.
added on the 2005-11-11 03:03:57 by jeenio jeenio
i agree with you and i, but not with the robot.

seriously speaking, we could look at auto-forward / download from preferred mirror feature. let's see...
added on the 2005-11-11 08:20:39 by melw melw
now that we're doing suggestions anyway, how about a link from file.php to dir.php? i know there's the go back button, but f.ex. pouet links don't come from dir.php in the first place, so it just history.back()s straight to pouet.
added on the 2005-11-11 08:52:06 by skrebbel skrebbel
agree me beautiful
added on the 2005-11-11 14:46:37 by Jcl Jcl
if you make the demos hard to get it makes it way more satisfying when the download actually starts! add a questionaire with trivia about the demoscene!
added on the 2005-11-11 17:07:36 by el mal el mal
what Jota-SI-EL says seems pretty reasonable, as well the efficiency ratio of scene.org organizers to mirrorize the stuff has an important role here. no?
added on the 2005-11-11 17:18:28 by JaK JaK
