
untergrund.net - Free hosting for demoscene-related projects

category: general [glöplog]
We are very happy to announce that after the system has proven stable in the beta phase, untergrund.net now opens up as a free hosting service for demosceners and their projects. Among the main features of the system are:

  • Completely ad-free
  • Very well equipped and maintained servers. During the past years we had an uptime of >99,9% and we'll make sure it stays that way. (Breakpoint website is hosted on untergrund.net, for example
  • Unlimited webspace (as long as you don't abuse it, but need it for usefull things)
  • Unlimited traffic (dto)
  • Big binaries (demo releases, release archives etc) may be spread using anonymous FTP with lots of high-speed mirrors
  • Spam-protected email-accounts and email forwarders.
  • Subdomain whatever.untergrund.net included, optionally you may point your own domain name to the webspace.
  • CGI and PHP scripts
  • MySQL databases
  • Automated detailed traffic statistics
  • FTP access
  • Coming soon: User-run mailinglists

Remember, this is a strict from-sceners-for-sceners service.
added on the 2005-07-30 17:50:49 by scamp scamp
By any chance can we get cvs / webcvs ax question mark where is the question mark on the finnish keyboard aargh.

ok again the question: what are the chances of cvs for scene related projects.
thx guys!


keep an eye on it :)
added on the 2005-07-31 12:07:12 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
truck: Yes, we are thinking about providing cvs in the future.

To-do list of coming features currently more or less looks like this:

- User-managed mailing lists
- Collection of pre-installed php thingies like some gallery-thing
- cvs or similar.
added on the 2005-07-31 17:31:11 by scamp scamp
Dunno if you checked my mail but you better upgrade your php distrib to 4.4.0 asap.
added on the 2005-07-31 17:34:49 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
hitchhikr: Yeah, got your mail.

There is no need to ugprade to 4.4.0. Nobody (at least not our users) use the crappy lame buggy OOP stuff of PHP anyway, and we had single object reference bugs/crashes.

We always use the latest stable Debian versions of all packages. If there really are reallife issues with 4.3.10, the Debian package maintainers will backport the required fixes.

Besides, we'd never do upgrades that break interface compatiblity (which 4.4.0 does) without notfiying users in advance and having running tests prior. Remember, this is not a hobbiest single-user system.
added on the 2005-07-31 18:04:35 by scamp scamp
Well, the most important is that you (obviously) keep yourself well informed about such issues :).

It's just that i've already seen some hosting services who didn't really care too much about such stuff, sometimes resulting in embarrassing situations.

But all is fine & thanks again for all the fish.
added on the 2005-07-31 18:18:48 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
Thanks for notifying us, but yeah, we do really care.

Btw, while we are running 4.3.10, the fixes of 4.3.11 for example also got backported by the Debian team.
added on the 2005-07-31 18:25:27 by scamp scamp
In other news:

[b]Banner artists needed[b] - we are in need for a few untergrund.net banners to be used for linking to our site. They should be in standard scene banner sizes: 420x60, 170x30, 88x31. Most importantly we are looking for a "Hosted by untergrund.net" banner in 88x31. Please mail me (scamp@untergrund.net) or post here if you feel like helping out.
added on the 2005-07-31 18:27:00 by scamp scamp
In other other news: I'm unable to use UBB code ;)
added on the 2005-07-31 18:35:45 by scamp scamp
Sweet. If I ever start making some Amiga prods with karate, I'll contact you for a site ;)
added on the 2005-07-31 20:07:42 by madcrow madcrow
i guess it's time to openly thank scamp and bw for the free hosting stuff. i guess i did more than overabuse their service for my partypics and mods/mp3s - i owe you a beer or a bottle of gin at evoke.
just tell me if you want one. (of course you do. don't hold back.. =)
added on the 2005-07-31 21:17:21 by dalezr dalezr
made some:
BB Image
BB Image
BB Image
added on the 2005-07-31 21:21:19 by dang`r`us dang`r`us
pron? =)
added on the 2005-07-31 21:51:42 by dipswitch dipswitch
added on the 2005-07-31 22:45:57 by bhead bhead
dalezy: Well, that's what untergrund.net is meant for, so I wouldn't call this 'abuse' ;)

ace: cool, thanks. Anyone else taking the challenge so we've got a selection of banners? :)
added on the 2005-07-31 23:22:05 by scamp scamp
Time for some news:

untergrund.net, the free hosting service for demosceners and their projects, is happy to announce that we've just added a bunch of new features to our service. Beside the features already known (unlimited webspace and traffic, PHP, MySQL, ad-free, spam-protected email accounts), here are the news:

* Anonymous ftp directory for every user
* SMTP and POP3 via SSL encryption
* SSL/HTTPS supported for all webspace accounts - with a valid officially signed certificate.

So, if you haven't done so already, it's about time to check out untergrund.net!
added on the 2005-09-01 00:52:32 by scamp scamp
\o/ you rule, scamp! \o/
added on the 2005-09-01 12:27:16 by kusma kusma
The main problem I see with all free hosters are that they may dissapear when the admin gets fed up with the project itself or just run out of money / resources.

Have untergrund handled this problem(s) (by doing some organisation or similair that someone can take over if you, scamp, lack the motivation you now have?)
added on the 2005-09-01 12:45:36 by Hatikvah Hatikvah

sorry, aber ist mir grad nur eingefallen... :)

great service, scamp!
added on the 2005-09-01 14:02:53 by dipswitch dipswitch
megadelux: Excellent question to ask.

untergrund.net indeed has in mind that in the past a lof of free hosters, especially sceners offerings, have been highly unstable over time.

This is not the case with untergrund.net. The main point is: For my company and its customers I'm hosting mission-criticial application servers in several datacenters in europe and the USA. If one of these servers goes down, hell breaks lose. That's why whatever happens to any of these servers, someone will care within 3 hours at max.
The main untergrund.net server simply is part of that server pool, and if it goes down it's treated equally.

This is different for other servers run by sceners out there, which have servers unofficially running in some office, or for free at some university with limited access.

If I run out of money, motivation or resources this would be when the company I run does so, too. Which would mean the end of what I've worked for my whole life, the end of Breakpoint etc. Not very likely to happen.

untergrund.net is running since 2003 now, without any major downtime. The worst thing we had during the last few years was a broken HD, and that got replaced within a few hours.

The untergrund.net backend system is written in PHP by bloodwing, and in case we one day had to hand over this project could be easily maintained by a third party.

For improved security we will also soon be starting to run a fail-over live mirror of the whole system. So in case the datacenter untergrund.net runs in explodes, we'd just have to change IPs on the spare box to get it up and running again.

All in all I think this free offering is more stable than many commercial ones.
added on the 2005-09-01 16:21:26 by scamp scamp
And a great one it is :) Big thanks!
added on the 2005-09-01 16:25:27 by Preacher Preacher
*hugs scamp*
added on the 2005-09-01 16:55:29 by el mal el mal
Great service - but my loyalty keeps me at intro.hu :)
added on the 2005-09-01 19:38:28 by Gargaj Gargaj
scamp, you sir, deserve a statue in bingen!
added on the 2005-09-01 19:41:39 by okkie okkie
