
The future of the DemoScene!?

category: general [glöplog]
This is Ghandy/mOOdS pLAtEAU^[S]carab^Vantage, an oldskool Amiga demoscener still active these days as trader and editor! Maybe you know me from the last big 68k diskmag on Amiga: Jurassic Pack?

Seeing all you active writing here, me and the main editor of Jurassic Pack named Zito were wondering: Why does nobody support such an important scene speaker like our diskmag. We are as always have too few articles and would need people knowing the scene writing interesting articles, polls or their memories down.

If you do not know us, but are interested into our diskmag and the nowadays demoscene on Amiga, have a visit at http://www.jurassicpack.de

Regards & hopefully a soon contact,
yours Ghandy.
added on the 2004-07-22 00:15:31 by ghandy ghandy
Why does nobody support such an important scene speaker like our diskmag.

added on the 2004-07-22 01:25:54 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
A question, an answer: Its called "shift of paradigms", people who wrote diskmag articles in the 90ies are now blogging or writing wikipedia articles - or left the amiga scene.

Isnt it possible to marry diskmags with the web in a better way? How about a demoscene blog?
added on the 2004-07-22 01:31:59 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
I generally stopped reading diskmags some years ago because i was sick of all those "the scene isn't what it used to be" articles. Imho, this kind of "scene journalism" seems to make up at least 50% of todays mags. The other 50% are comments about demos/intros/music/gfx/code, mindless wannabe poetry etc.

Last not least, is Jurassic Pack available on PC these days? :)
added on the 2004-07-22 01:55:30 by rp rp
didnt zito quit the scene?
added on the 2004-07-22 07:14:32 by psenough psenough
rp: i feel your pain of not having hardly anything worth reading anymore. afaik jp isnt on pc. still amiga.
added on the 2004-07-22 07:16:50 by psenough psenough
"Isnt it possible to marry diskmags with the web in a better way?"

Yes. And until then few will support diskmags with stuff.
added on the 2004-07-22 10:35:02 by Zplex Zplex
Diskmags are simply obsolete these days and basically a thing for nostalgic scene oldies. :) (on pc, at least).

The discussions, tutorials, party reports and reviews which are usually the contents of a scene mag, can now be found on websites like this one. Plus, almost everybody has switched from dial-up to dsl, so reading bigger articles offline is simply not necessary. Still, there is a small niche for diskmags. Something like Wilby (4k mag) would still work today I guess, also I've yet to see a proper 64k mag. Also note that some people have either switched to PDF and a more fanzine-like approach or they're running an online mag.

Isnt it possible to marry diskmags with the web in a better way? How about a demoscene blog?

The hugi staff is thinking about something like this, I've heard. But without significant support, this idea is doomed to fail.

(and what the hell have diskmags to do with the 'future of the demoscene' :))
added on the 2004-07-22 10:46:28 by tomaes tomaes
a bit of a misleading title, really.

but what about zito? he said he left, tho he reared his head towards the scene pretty soon again (>attending syf).
added on the 2004-07-22 11:30:47 by dalezr dalezr
Isnt it possible to marry diskmags with the web in a better way?

probably, but the attempts so far have sort of wrecked people's trust in scene-related web mags (e.g. grapevine or the fake eurochart).

The hugi staff is thinking about something like this, I've heard. But without significant support, this idea is doomed to fail.

everything adok is thinking about is doomed to fail.

in my opinion the one thing diskmags always excelled in is inside knowledge, that is, what's going on and why. like digging deeper into some of the news bits. sadly, this most probably wouldn't work in the (pc) scene of today since 1) the scene is too large and scattered which makes it hard to keep up with happenings, plus mags play a minor role in the scene so people don't provide the news themselves, and 2) the scene "code" is different than it used to be. here's a thought: because of websites like pouet and mass parties like assembly it's much easier to get your stuff released and spread, and because of great tools easily available it's even possible for a "nobody" to win compos. now, because of this (and because of the lack of definitive charts) people don't have goals such as to get up in the scene hierarchy by joining better groups etc, since they can just keep on releasing shit and writing shit on web forums. ultimately this is what causes diskmags of today to fail since nothing interesting is going on and no one knows who these people are anymore.
added on the 2004-07-22 14:44:13 by reed reed
reed: as a wise scener once said, "why do your best when mediocre is good enough?".

added on the 2004-07-22 15:10:13 by smash smash
i still like diskmags like Pain... 'cos all the partyreports, charts, articles, interview, etc. are in one instead of being scattered around the 'net.
added on the 2004-07-22 15:55:21 by Gargaj Gargaj
"All in one, that is the reason. An issue of something "big" is better than lossy articles everywhere in the net!" (Zito quoted)

Well, it is our last issue and it should be something worth for the "old freaks". Afterwards we are planing something like an online mag, that is you mentioned above, I think! But pssst, it is still a secret... :-)
added on the 2004-07-22 17:05:52 by ghandy ghandy
Diskmags will always be better than web "bbs's" like this, because people who write for them tend to be less reactionary and write with more intent. Pouet is where you go to slum, and is about as useful for discussion of relevant topics as squeezing your head in an Anvil.

That's not to say there isn't a place for silliness in diskmags, just that people who read diskmags tend to think of them as 'higher' writing, versus 'low' writing in forums. Insert recent Calvin & Hobbes cartoon discussing the comic strip and 'high' art.

There is a place for the 'printed' word in today's instant-reaction internet world, but it won't be popular. Sort of how TV is better than demos, because TV is more smarter. And funner. And art is crap. And how do you read again?

Anyway I look forward for the last issue, and would urge you to reconsider and just make it the perpetual pentultimate issue (:

(as for why I haven't written: I think you have a limit on the number of words in an issue, and if I went on just ONE tangent, I'd go over that. And we all know that I can't stick to one tangent.)
the oldfashioned way of doing diskmags is quite useless anyway.. news gets outdated, you read about partyreports of parties that occurred 1/2 year ago, you get reviews on demos while there's already pouet (yes, pouet was probably intended for that :P) etc..

an online diskmag (or more like a portal having scenenews and articles) can have a certain future, coz it's way more dynamic than a classic diskmag, however, with the tendency these days that interest for writing articles is quite decreasing, its future is still tricky imho.
added on the 2004-07-22 21:09:54 by el mal el mal
"Seeing all you active writing here" yes, rules have changed, now people speak in website forums, not in diskmags ... they want fresh news, and to answer directly the writers

Pehaps diskmags for mobile phones can be interesting, by i-mode for example ? (but only for people who have a recent mobile phone...)

Diskmags was useful when we was not connected and when we spreaded the word by snail mail, now they are simply obsolete, that's life

Start a newspaper online, it will be perhaps interesting, and with a newspaper design, not a forum design, to concentrate all the useful informations in a unique and single place...
you can post interviews and party reports on slengpung
you can submit articles to ojuice
you can discuss things on forums

diskmags are dead.
feel our PAiN!
added on the 2004-07-22 23:35:15 by psenough psenough
zone: newspaper online already exists. its called a news portal :P
added on the 2004-07-22 23:36:54 by psenough psenough
I will tell you the future of the demoscene. First, the diskmags die. Then the demos become less and less code based. The release and embracement of demotools will make coders obselete. Not long after that, all the remaining demodesigners will notice that demos without unique code are boring. Instead of entering demos to the compo they will switch over to more traditional performance "art". Not long, until the public reputation of the demoscene is ruined. Just wait until the first demoscener gets caugt having a sex party with 9 prostitutes and lots of kokaine.

All of this is true and carved in stone ... on pouet.

added on the 2004-07-23 01:34:56 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
This is Ghandy/mOOdS pLAtEAU^[S]carab^Vantage

Wow, I'd never had guessed with such a username. Thanks for clearing that one up.

added on the 2004-07-23 02:50:13 by Shifter Shifter
Compared to diskmags, websites and blogs plain suck.And the idea of a cutdown diskmag (4k, 64k) is bogus - might be nice as a gag, but nothing more...
added on the 2004-07-23 09:34:28 by T$ T$
ts has leading
added on the 2004-07-23 09:47:22 by psenough psenough
true. it dont even makes sense to compare diskmags with a website/forum coz of the different content.
10 years ago providing news was one of the main points of a diskmag while today its not.

a diskmag has tons of articles with more and better content as the webshit posted here and there.

the main reason why diskmags are slowly dying is that most (not all) so called sceners are just consumers. they dont check out diskmags coz its mainly to much "work" for them. you got a easier access to websites but of coz the general quality is very low (especially here with all the bullshit postings and fake accounts).
of coz there are also some other reasons like the ego of some ppl who think they need to be boss of their own diskmags instead of joining forces with others to rise the amount and quality of articles.

added on the 2004-07-23 10:01:51 by xeNusion xeNusion
The idea is not 'bogus' at all. A size limited mag could concentrate on quality instead of quantity and it would also be much easier to release new issues frequently. And after all, to gather ~50k of quality articles (going for 64k in total) is hard enough these days anyway. :) (And for the record: An English language reincarnation of wildmag would have been like that...)

I agree, that 4k would be a tight limit and eventually lead to something that's just 'cute' and nothing else.
added on the 2004-07-23 10:04:35 by tomaes tomaes
not to mention, i can't really see the point of contributing to a diskmag only a handful of geeks can read without firing up some lousy emulator...
added on the 2004-07-23 10:30:54 by FooLman FooLman
