
can you help me?

category: general [glöplog]
Hi everybody, my name is kema .I'm so happy to come here. But i want to know how to enjoy in it.In fact, I can't see the works of somebody.It's a pity!
If someone can help me? If I must set up some software--directx9.0?
Thank you very much!
added on the 2004-07-10 11:57:28 by kema kema
is this some lame yoke? or are you unable to find:
added on the 2004-07-10 12:34:08 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
make sure the status LED of your monitor is green.
red or orange spoil viewing pleasure alot.
added on the 2004-07-10 12:40:29 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
Kema will take away all attention from Optimus :)
added on the 2004-07-10 12:43:06 by Zplex Zplex
Now now.. Is this any way to treat a newcomer? :-)
added on the 2004-07-10 13:02:38 by sprocket sprocket
ok ! I can see the works! thank u ,the_Ye-Ti :>
How did you made the animations? Using MAYA & MAX or other software? Can u tell me?
added on the 2004-07-10 13:13:26 by kema kema
[lame_joke] We use a powerfull codec called REALTIME. It can compress a 15minutes full motion video with CD quality audio down to 64Kb. [/lame_joke]
added on the 2004-07-10 13:25:15 by p01 p01
really? thank u very much!! Admiring.......
added on the 2004-07-10 13:43:05 by kema kema
poi poi : :')

kema : it's not "animations" like pre-rendered things you can see in Pixar movies, it's real time calculated (your processor and video card compute the rendered pictures about 30 times per second) things (3Dscenes, 2Deffects ...). It's like a video game but it is not a game, there is not way to play with this, it's realtime-art, simply launch and enjoy ;) and with some work, you will can try to make this kind of things yourself one day.
yes, many groups use modelers like 3dsmax or maya to create the scenes and animations (which are then shown in realtime though, to wipe out any misunderstandings concerning the phrase "animation")
some groups have written their own tools and modelers for that purpose.
added on the 2004-07-10 14:00:08 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
kema: Do you have the hardware needed for all the prods? Some of them needs pixel shaders 2.x.
added on the 2004-07-10 14:06:39 by ekoli ekoli
Thank u ,everybody! I moved.......hm~~~~I think I have to download the realtime and learn it by myself. I like the effect very much and I hope I can make it someday. But where can I find the course of study & web_trainning.
added on the 2004-07-10 14:33:32 by kema kema
kema: read this (long) text and all will be hopefully much clearer to you: http://tomaes.32x.de/text/pcdemoscene_faq.txt
added on the 2004-07-10 14:52:06 by uncle-x uncle-x
download realtime! you do that!
added on the 2004-07-10 16:19:31 by quisten quisten
realtime is available for download here. But please do not spread the word about this codec unless you'd ruin the guru status of the whole demo-scene.
added on the 2004-07-10 16:28:49 by p01 p01
10 euros says its optimus
added on the 2004-07-10 18:59:34 by psenough psenough
uncle-x/mfx: Thanks a lot! I will read it carefully.
poï² : but it can't be displayed. If it's very busy now?
added on the 2004-07-11 02:30:58 by kema kema
Kema: It was a joke. Realtime isn't a codec you can download. It means that the computer generates what you see on the screen right now. As opposed to an animation, which is like a videotape with all the imagery allready generated a long time ago.
added on the 2004-07-11 04:32:27 by cruzer cruzer
cruzer: Is that true? But I want to know how to make it .I only want to make it by myself. In fact, I am learning maya and max now. I thought it maybe made by them, but someone told me it's realtime. I confused.........what's this on earth?
added on the 2004-07-11 15:55:28 by kema kema
A new way to polute pouet...
added on the 2004-07-11 16:06:31 by pK pK
kema: you need to learn the following things:

1. adequate grasp of the english language
2. do no believe 90% of the stuff people say to you on pouet.net
3. forget maya, max etc. they have 'nothing' to do with demomaking per se.
4. learn about C, C++ and other programming languages.
5. really read and understand the link i posted earlier.
6. realtime is a word, not a piece of software. (see http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=realtime&x=0&y=0)
added on the 2004-07-11 16:45:10 by uncle-x uncle-x
Can't he just learn to use Werkkzeug?
added on the 2004-07-11 16:52:43 by cruzer cruzer
ok ok, let's stop lying and expose our secrets... kema... we all use werkkzeug. you can get it herewww.theprodukkt.de <- so download the app to do demos with! :)
added on the 2004-07-11 16:55:43 by el mal el mal
i think kema is pulling a KingCool on us....
added on the 2004-07-11 22:42:58 by okkie okkie
either that or he's a poor guy with bad timing! ;-)
added on the 2004-07-11 23:46:05 by ekoli ekoli
