
terrain by Napalm

       /\___ ___ _/\______ /\____ _____   |/
 .----\\    \  \\_   _    \\     \     \--.-
 |    /         /    /    /            / /|\
 |   /   _     /     ____/            /   |
  //-Presents-//          _______________
.________________________/ -[ terrain ]- \_.
|                                          |
|        [ Sony Playstation 2 Demo ]       |
|                                          |
| wiRe's contribution for round #7 at      |
| http://www.thethirdcreation.net/         |
|                                          |
| get asm5900'n'srcs from my page at       |
| http://wiRe.napalm-x.com/                |
|                                          |
| code by wiRe (100% assembler)            |
| music by yoga and spiryt                 |
| mod player by Vzzrzzn                    |
|                                          |
| Release Date:                            |
|  november 1st 2002                       |
|                                          |
| Requires:                                |
|  * PS2 running the napLink target        |
|  * rom0:LIBSD or host0:LIBSD.IRX file    |
|  * host0:AMIGAMOD.IRX                    |
|  * pad connected to port 1 (not!2)       |
|                                          |
`------------------------------- [ PS2 ] --'