loader compiler v1.0 by THG F/X
Ok guys, here is the newest production of THG F/X Europe. The loader was developped over a very long period, so I hope that you all like it. Included in this pack is a small compiler for this loader. But don't expect any programming marvel, because it was coded in the last minute. It's only purpose is to make it easier for you to compile the loader. You can use the following charset: - for the writer: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789?!*-.: - for the scroller: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-/. All other chars will be replaced with a blank. After the compilation don't forget to run PKLITE over the exe file. It will reduce the size of the loader from 402086 bytes to about 65k. I think that is small enough to include the file to all new Humble releases... Dawnrazor [THG F/X '92] btw: This loader was released during the THG F/X TOUR '92 ...
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