iNSANE! by 3SC [web]
Welcome to iNSANE! Just press ENTER and you will see our contribution to the DEMOBIT'96 demo competition. Be ready for: - bitmap rotations, digital flame and 3D molecules - flight through the fractal set - spherical deformations and animations of bitmap - panoramatic zoomer - moving in a shaded voxel space - large area 50 Hz scrollers All in cool graphics and breakbeat sound. Check it out ... BAZE & ASTEX of 3SC software SOME INFORMATIONS: (press arrows for next pages) This demo can run on 128/48k Spectrum. Some effects (mostly in the first part) are designed for two vi- deorams, so it flickers on 48k. Loader is written in BASIC. If you use some disk system (which is re- commended), you can simply change the syntax of lo- ading commands. This demo is freeware, but it can NOT be used for commercial purposes without our ag- reement! Now you can hear BAZE's DEMOBIT'96 50 Hz AY music compo song called "Algorhythm". During iNSANE you can press ENTER to see the next part. Special bonus in the voxel space - flight controls! Press: 0/9 - for manual/automatic flight Q,A - to change speed CAPS shift - for brake W/S - to move up/down Z/X - to move left/right O/P - to turn left/right K,L - to turn the camera 1/2/3/4 - for front/rear/left/right view And finally, OUR ADDRESSES: Milos BAZELIDES (BAZE) Pod hajom 1086/44 018 41 DUBNICA NAD VAHOM SLOVAKIA e-mail: URL: Juraj DURECH (ASTEX) Pod hajom 957/13 018 41 DUBNICA NAD VAHOM SLOVAKIA e-mail: URL: You can also find us on IRC channel #Z80, where we use the same nicks. PS: We hope you can understand our poor English :-) Remember ... we are iNSANE !!!
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