
Multinet 2 Dentro [Multinet 2 BBS (2)] by $PA/$PC

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	     ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄ MultiNet 2 - D e n t r o ÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ

  Released  : 26/o9/1933 At 11:ooPM
  Music     : 0verlord 0f House
  Grafix    : Wolfje
  DSMI      : Otto Chrons
  Code      : Binary Slave
  Soundcards: SB / SBPro / ASP16 / PAS / PAS+ / PAS16 / ARIA
  Mem free  : 560Kb with Music / 460kb without music
  Runs on   : 486DX / 486SX / 386DX / 386SX / 286 (No music becoz of DSMI)

  If this demo somehow crashes or doesn't do what he's programmed to do
  then try it without music (RUNME /NO) Also if ya get a kinda banging
  instead of music (something like .. TOK TOK ... -eheh-) then try
  freeing up some mem or lowering mem (yes how strange it may sound -
  on my compie it gives that TOK TOK when I have 608kb mem but if I
  have 604kb mem free it acts normal) All those problems are b'cause
  of the many many bugs in DSMI!
  Coded In 1 month (august '93) In ASM and TP for the easy parts....
  Tested on : I486DX33  SVGA (Paradise) / SBPro            Runs PERFECT
	      IBM PS1   386SX-16        /  No Music        Runs G 0 0 D
	      I486DX33  SVGA-ET4000 VLB / ASP16            Runs G 0 0 D
	      I486DX266 SVGA-ET4000 VLB / ASP16            Runs MARVELOUS

 .ù Files included ù.
		     DENTRO.EXE     145296 28/03/93 23:55
		     DENTRO.MZX      66294 26/03/93 17:43
		     DENTRO.PIC     517916 24/03/93 16:19
		     DENTRO.DAT      13442 25/02/93 12:46
		     MN2_DENT.NFO     4345 26/09/93 22:47
		     RUNME.COM        2621 18/03/93 17:10
		     MEAT.EXE        20448 28/03/93 23:45
		     FILE_ID.DIZ       296 14/09/93  2:46

 .ù Last Minute Note ù.

 + Sh.., Still some F....n' bloody bugs .
 + If you find it shit throw it in the trashcan!
 + Else leave a MSG at the -= Binary Slave Conf =- (Thx!)
 + You propably all know that it shakes in the beginning
   -=> Turn SmartDrive or any other caching progie OFF!
 + You also know that programs like QEMM / EMM386 / 386MAX slow down demooz
   On the Sysop's compie it runs but you may consider switching it off!
 + Do not run the demo under Windows b'cause a larger DMA buffer is used.
   If so make sure the DMA buffer size under windows is large enough!
 + Not tested under Windows NT, OS/2, Dr.Dos (Novell-DOS in the near future...)
   or any other OS ... (except DOS ofcourse)!
 + If this demo somehow crashes or doesn't do what he is programmed to do,
   run it without music or try a clean boot with HIMEM.SYS and DOS=HIGH.
   This b'cause of the many many bugs in the DSMI version I got.
 + First thing ever released by BS. So don't expect some TextureMapped_
   Vector_Slime_Landscape Parts ...
 + Watch out for Fatal Error #4 & Music disk...
 + You propably also noticed that it missed the "Real Professional" touch but
   once again this is my first and coded all by meself [No Ripping :-() ]
   At the end I lost all courage to continue this one ... so you'll have to
   be happy with this little dentro...So encourage or join me if you want
   some real Belgian power!
 .ù Technical Notes ù.

 First Part       : Zooming (FAST Euhm) : doublebufferd zooming ...
 LogoPlasma       : Nothing to be proud off....
 Scroll Part      : Well ordinary Hardware scroll with stars .(mzx: +Equalizer)
 Star Part        : Stupid stars + boring font (Animation).
 DelayLines       : Well I tried something out whether you like it or not ....
 Delay(vect)Fonts : To boring to mention....
 DualScreen       : That's a new one !
 MovieScroller    : Nice fonts eh?
 End Part         : I like those colours!

 .ù Attention ù.

 This is Public Domain and may (ofcourse) not be sold.
 It may only be distributed in his original form.
 Altought converting to an other archive type is allowed
 as long as all files remain intact!
 So NO modification is allowed. If you want this in his
 original form then please d/l it from the MN =2= Station
 No hacking will be attended!

 .ù How To Contact Us ù.

 BBS  : +32-(0)50-363396 [HST 24/24]
 FAX  : +32-(0)50-347379
 FIDO : 2:291/1800.12 (Bart Vanderostyne)
 POST : Kievitsstraat 10 <> B-8020 Oostkamp <> Belgium - Europe

 Sorry for my bad English! Blame my teacher!

 Signing off, Binary Slave & Living Nature