
saturnin by just for fun [web]

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		   presented at the SATURNE PARTY 5.
  			       1st place

  LES "the CReDitS"

	  	   cod: Judge MIGUel
	     	        King ValJeaN 
	           gfx: ExOCet
	           zik: BENJi

 LA "the member-list"

	Ed                   gfx artist               *France*
	King ValJeaN         coder                    *France*
	Judge MiGUeL         coder                    *France*
	dWaLiN               zikos                    *France*
	exocet               GfX artist               *France*
	BENJi                Zikos                    *France*
	White Stallion       coder, sleeper           *France*
	Gatekeeper           Zikos                   *Danemark*
	Yellow Sky           coder                    *France*
	Goupil Brother       coder                    *France*

 LeS "the BBs"

	    A.C.E     ==   thE wOrld HQ     ³+33-(0)1-????-????³ > gandalf  

	   EQUALIZER  ==   thE Europe HQ    ³+33-(0)1-4525-1923³ > thorin
	   DATA CRAWLER == thE France HQ    ³+33-(0)3-8078-0508³ > Darky'

	     Les "the other bbs" mail me please cause i lost all 
	     your number and your name  coz of a hard-diskcrash!

  LEs "the Productions"

 JFF-INTR.zip  : first intro by White Easter
 JFF-INT2.zip  : second intro  by Aten & White Easter
 JFF-JCKT.zip  : very little demo by Judge Miguel & King Valjean
 JFF-POM!.zip  : designed intro! (for the VOLCANIC I)
 JFF-CALL.zip  : BBs intro for Direct Connection!
 JFF-TIC.zip   : BBs intro for Equalizer.
 JFF-BED.zip   : something like video...(CENSORED CAUSE XXX RATED)
 JFF-GASP.zip  : the report of the GASP party, released at the party place!
 JFF-bbs3.zip  : bbs intro for direct connection #2
 JFF-CHIC.zip  : a Champignon-bugged intro...
 JFF-ZZZZ.zip  : various unplugged phong torus.
 JFF-REST.zip  : Kezax's intro for Volcanic 2
 JFF-CYB.zip   : Cyborg demo, #2 at Volcanic 3 !!!!
 JFF-NOZR.zip  : a lame fast-intro for Volcanic 3...
 JFF-OFF.zip   : a tank fast action 2 players game for free
 JFF-TNT1.zip  : a JFF chip music disk!
 JFF-TNT2.zip  : our 2nd chip music disk!!                         
 JFF-SAT.zip   : this intro presented at the Saturne Party 5 !!!!!

  Fun to: 
		        DubiuS D-ZonE Exmortis KnightS Trauma Eclipse Pulse 
                       ArkhaM The UltImate ReVeLatioN Sympathy TFP! Toadstood
                        Kezax Senser Asie-Fou Thorin LightShow Profil Gandalf 
			  Remdy our parents, girls and personnal animals!!!

  Contact US!! 
    email: Judge Miguel at judgemiguel.justforfun@usa.net
    Hot Sitez:  www.mygale.org/~jff/