Madstars by Holocaust [web]
SommarHack 2019 Starfield Compo: MADSTARS.PRG Basic version using up about all the available memory on a 520 ST. Nothing left for music or anything. But it starts immediately and you don't wait long to get a screen full of stars. This is basically the same effect as what we did in Japtro back in 1993 but this one runs with half a meg. INFINITY.PRG This more advanced version plots multiple dots for each star to make it look more dynamic. If your starfield looks static in a screenshot then you are doing it wrong! Also it uses color palette tricks to virtually double the amount of available memory for the screens. And then it has a great logo from Mic/Dune (I always always always felt bad about not using it in Blood). And then it has a great module by Julius (Lemon Announce part 2). The module player uses up pretty much all the CPU time but overall this version is much more enjoyable. - Zappy/HC, 2019
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