Grey Tunnel With No Music by Loonies [web]
; "Grey Tunnel With No Music" by Blueberry / Loonies ; For the Revision 2019 256 bytes intro compo ; My first ever DOS prod! :) ; Run on a fast (3GHz or more) CPU. Bare metal. ; Or watch this 60fps video capture: ; %define SPEED 7 %define BLUETIPS 0 %define INVERSE 0 %define ITERATIONS 32 %define VSYNC 0 %define RESTORE 0 %define COPY 0 %define FRAMEDUMP 0 org 100h section .text start: ; Texture push word 0x8000 C_8000 equ $-2 pop es ; Mode 13h mov al, 0x13 int 0x10 ; Init FPU fninit fild word [si] ; 104 fldpi fidiv word [byte si-0x100+C_8000] ; 2pi / 0x10000 fild word [byte si-0x100+C_001F] ; Make texture texture: fld st0 ; 31 mov cx, si sines: ; See for the story of this seed. imul ax, cx, 0x1e2f mov [si], ax and ax, 0x1f07 add ax, 0xf000 imul di add [si], ax fild word [si] fmul st3 ; 2pi / 0x10000 fsin fsubp loop sines fistp word [si] movsb dec si cmp di, sp jne texture ; Orange and teal ; assumes cx == 0 or > 255 palette: push cx mov al, cl mov dx, 0x3c8 out dx, al inc dx and al, 0xf shr cl, 4 C_04 equ $-1 sub cl, al mul byte [byte si-0x100+C_04] ; Clears ah channel: add al, cl out dx, al add ah, dl js channel pop cx loop palette ; Read from texture, write to screen push es pop ds %if COPY push word 0x7000-160/16 %else push word 0xa000-160/16 %endif pop es mov bp, sp mainloop: %if VSYNC mov dx, 0x3da ; 0x3da = VGA Input Status #1 vblank: in al, dx test al, 8 je vblank %endif pixelloop: mov ax, 0xcccd mul di mov bx, ax sub dh, 100 and ax, strict word 31 ; Ray origin offset dither C_001F equ $-2 pusha fild word [bp-7] ; dl:bh = x fild word [bp-6] ; dx = y fld st1 fmul st2, st0 fld st1 fmul st0 faddp st3, st0 fpatan fdiv st3 ; 2pi / 0x10000 fistp word [bp-8] ; bx fdiv st3 ; zoom factor = sqrt(104) fsqrt fild word [bp-2] ; ax fdiv st2 ; Ought to be 32, but 31 works well enough fmul st1 ; Dithered ray origin fisubr word [bp+2 + C_radius] popa mov bl, 0 add ax, ITERATIONS<<5 xchg cx, ax rayloop: fadd st0, st1 add si, cx call Fetch push ax call Fetch push ax pop ax sub si, cx ; Height = difference between texture lookups fild word [bp-4] fisub word [bp-2] fcomip st0, st1 jc hit pop ax sub cx, 32 jg rayloop xchg ax, bx ; bl is still 0 jmp pixeldone hit: ; Shade color by depth mul cx xchg cx, dx pop ax mul dx ; Dither and combine color components imul ax, di, 0xC777 C_radius equ $-2 and ax, 0x0f0f %if BLUETIPS mov dh, cl add ax, dx %else mov ch, dl add ax, cx %endif shr al, 4 rol ax, 4 pixeldone: fstp st0 fstp st0 %if INVERSE not al %endif stosb cmp di, sp jne pixelloop %if COPY pusha push ds push es pop ds push word 0xa000-160/16 pop es mov si, 160 mov di, 160 mov cx, 320*200/4 rep movsd push ds pop es pop ds popa %endif %if FRAMEDUMP call FrameDump %endif sub si, SPEED ; ESC check in al, 0x60 dec al jnz mainloop %if RESTORE mov ax, 0x3 int 0x10 %endif ; ret Fetch: ; Use return address as texture stride pop ax push ax shl ax, 4 imul si ; Integer part of coordinate in dx, fractional part in ax. ; Fetch from texture and do linear interpolation. shr ax, 1 ; Treat fraction as unsigned add bx, dx mov al, [bx+1] sub al, [bx] imul ah shl ax, 1 ; Shift back add ah, [bx] sub bx, dx ret %if FRAMEDUMP FrameDump: pusha push ds push es pushf cld push cs pop ds ; Update filename mov bx, .extension mov cx, 4 .incloop: dec bx inc byte [bx] cmp byte [bx], '9' jle .incdone mov byte [bx], '0' loop .incloop ; Exit after 9999 frames mov ax, 0x3 int 0x10 int 0x20 .incdone: ; Get palette push cs pop es mov di, .palette mov dx, 0x3c8 in al, dx push ax mov dx, 0x3c7 mov al, 0 out dx, al mov dx, 0x3c9 mov cx, 256 .getpalette: xor eax, eax in al, dx shl eax, 8 in al, dx shl eax, 8 in al, dx shl eax, 2 stosd loop .getpalette mov dx, 0x3c8 pop ax out dx, al ; Create File mov cx, 0 mov dx, .filename mov ah, 0x3c int 0x21 jc .done xchg bx, ax ; Write header and palette mov dx, .header mov cx, 14+40+256*4 mov ah, 0x40 int 0x21 ; Write pixels push 0xa000 pop ds xor dx, dx mov cx, 320*200 mov ah, 0x40 int 0x21 ; Close file mov ah, 0x3e int 0x21 .done: popf pop es pop ds popa ret .filename: db "dump0000" .extension: db ".bmp",0 .header: ; File header db "BM" dd 14+40+256*4+320*200 dw 0,0 dd 14+40+256*4 ; Info header dd 40, 320, -200 ; Header size, width, height dw 1, 8 ; Planes, depth dd 0,0,0,0,0,0 .palette: %endif
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