trashpanda by Logicoma [web]
trashpanda by logicoma [PARTYVERSION] ferris x h0ffman x noby x darthshader trsac 2018 Produced with copious amounts of iron oxide, deep-fried with rocket fuel harvested from the lunar surface, sliced to bits live by our special sabre, and finally kkrunched to a fine powder. Special shoutouts to karo133ne for keeping me (somewhat recognizeably) sane for the duration of the production process. Brogicoma out. <3 . Outracks . Brainstorm . Mercury . Snorpung . Ümlaüt Design . bitFlavour . Andromeda Software Development . Conspiracy . Farbrausch . Plastic . MFX . Traction . Northern Dragons . Trailer Park Demos . Gravity . RGBA . TBC . Loonies . Portal Process . Kvasigen . Nazareth Creations (fucking lamers) . PlayPsyCo . Kvasigen . Disaster Area . Gravity . Quite . XPLSV . Keyboarders . Shitfaced Clowns . Spaceballs . Ephidrena . Darklite . VRTX . The Black Lotus . Epoch . Poo-Brain . Indigo . Inque . DSS . Baggers
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