radial blur heroes by Throb [web]
.tHROB { radial blur heroes } doesn't metter it requires geforce3 minimum doesn't metter it sucks doesn't metter it has a lot of bugs inside doesn't metter it has ugly graphics doesn't metter it doesn't work we did it. finished right on party. cola/throb & mumifikator/infinite helped us. thank you guys. thanx to twinzen and warhawk/t-rex for giving us a pc to finish this demo. now we gonna stop making demos for some time we gonna have a rest and prepare something more interesting. we are fuckin tired. no words more only some credits: upi and night_ made visuals keen/t-rex and synSUN made soundtrack. thank you. greets to everybody who visited paradox2002. other sukk. you missed best russian party. .(c)2002 throb upi typing: life sux, and i am sux 2! all of my fucking demos just a bunch of crap =( now i'am gonna KILL MYSELF! goodbye guys.
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