
Midas Player for Win'95/NT by Abyss [web]

                                . : a b y s s : .

                                    gives you

           . : m i d a s   p l a y e r   f o r   w i n ' 9 5 / n t : .
                      version 1.0 symposium release 30/03/97

                              code: b a r t m a n
                      beta-testing: p i n k , p o e t

SUMMARY: midas'95 is a module player based on the midas sound system
         (by sahara surfers), it plays protracker MOD, screamtracker S3M
         and fasttracker2 XM modules and runs under windows 95 and
         windows nt 3.51+ (4.0 compatibility assured)

FEATURES: - small 'n' nice user interface (no fancy graphics, but all
            functionality packed in) amiga users will remember delitracker...
            this one looks a lot like delitracker and windows cd-player.
          - customizable user interfaces (3 sizes) according to how much you
		    want to have in the window (e.g. hide the time display etc...)
          - registers (if you want) as default module player, thus enabling
            double clicking a module in explorer or wincommander and opening
            midas '95 player.
          - drag-and-drop modules from explorer or wincommander onto the
            midas window to play the module(s)
          - open multiple modules at once (multi-select in the open file dialog
		    (shift,ctrl) or drop multiple files on the window (playlist-like))
          - saves all settings (window positions, sizes, player settings)
          - variable player settings (mixing rate 8kHz-44kHz, 8/16bit,
            mono/stereo, variable mixing buffer size)
          - no trash into your c:\windows or c:\windows\system directories...
          - small .ZIP file, no stupid demo modules, no big pictures
          - coded by bartman/abyss
          - free! no registration fees, no nag-requesters...
          - always an open ear for future improvements
		  - please report any severe(!) bugs to me, e-mail is at the
		    end of the text file

REQUIREMENTS: - win95/nt 3.51+
              - windows-compatible soundcard
              - mfc40.dll, msvcrt40.dll
                (if you have windows, you also have these)

INSTALLATION: - unzip the .ZIP file into the desired directory
              - drag a link onto the desktop or into the start-menu
			  - files required in directory: midas95.exe, midas06.dll
			    (in case you get several bbs-ad like text files...)

HINTS: - if you're looking for the menus, open the system menu (where 
         the window minimize/maximum is in) there are menus for
         'Options...' and 'About...'
       - The 'i' button opens the module info window, whose position
         and size is also saved (like the main window).
         It's also saved if the window was open or closed when you
         exited the player, and if it will be opened next time directly
         when you launch the player...

FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS: - sophisticated play-list management
                     - icon tray display that allows you to iconify the
					   player to the system tray such as FlexiCD by ms(TM)

             visit our web services at http://abyss.home.ml.org
              write to the author at bw005ns@munich.netsurf.de