Nabuchodonosor by Agenda
/| //|. //_| . __ // /| . /_ \/\__|. \\_/ _/|_ .g.e.n.d.a. ______________________________________________________ nabuchodonosor 256b ______________________________________________________ CODE: svoy ______________________________________________________ Silly Venture 2017 256b intro, Party Version ______________________________________________________ Requirements: PAL Atari XL/XE 64KB Contact: Core raycaster reused from mehcaster (SV2K16) but: - switched to text mode that resulted in significant speedup (3-4x), - due to speedup could drop double buffering, writing straight to the screen, - a small dither table used, - ship is build of 3 sprites (PMG setup alone takes 36b), - the data takes approx 90b. Source code attached. Kudos go to JAC! for WUDSN!
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