X-mas '97 Intro by Solar [web]
SSSSSS OOOOOO L AAAA RRRRR S O O L A A R R SSSSSS O O L AAAAAA RRRRR S O O L A A R R SSSSSS OOOOOO LLLLLL A A R R The Solar Group 1. What is the Solar Group? 2. What's this I have downloaded just now? 3. Will there be more of this stuff? 4. Contacts 5. Anything else 6. Disclaimer (*sigh*) 7. Bye -What is the Solar Group?- We are a small group, founded in September 1997, from the Netherlands. This is also the origin of the demo-group Witan. -What's this I have downloaded just now?- You have our first composition, our X-MAS 97 Intro. As you see, it is really a basic intro, but we didn't had time to do more. -Will there be more of this stuff?- Oh yeah. We are working/laboring/sweating on our first megademo, called Immortality. This demo will have it all. Light-Shaded 3D-Vectors, Scrollers, Sinus-fx, Plasma's, Stereo Music, etc. Check out our site, hornet.org and cdrom.com regularly. -Contacts- You can send mail to one of the members, or to the group as a whole: The Group: aeternus@dds.nl (this will change soon) Druid: aeternus@dds.nl Alchemist: fox@digicron.com We also have our own website, at http://chippie.cgu.edusurf.nl/~502/solar/. This is our World HQ. You can also download our releases (with a little delay) at ftp.hornet.org and ftp.cdrom.com. Check that out -Anything else- We would like to thank all the cool demo-groups of the past ten years, for they have helped us (without their knowledge, f.y.i.) getting into this mess. Especially we thank Future Crew, Asphyxia, Triton, Dust, Witan, Imphobia, Iguana and Sahara Surfers. -Disclaimer- I always hate this, but here it goes: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL ANY OF THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE, OF THIS SOFTWARE. *SIGH* That's it. Now on to the better part. THIS SOFTWARE IS FREEWARE!!!! YES, YES, YOU CAN DISTRIBUTE! YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR THIS, YOU CAN DISTRIBUTE IT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE, AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT CHARGE MORE MONEY FOR IT THAN IS NEEDED FOR TRANSPORTATION OR STORAGE ON CD-ROM/DISK!!! WE ALL LIVE IN A FREE WORLD, SO DISTRIBUTE! FUCK THE COMMERCIAL PEOPLE! -Bye- This was it again. We hope you enjoyed our first intro, because we did (did we?). Have a nice x-mas and a happy 1998. CU L8ER! Druid & Alchemist.
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