So We Just Buzz by PULS [web]
Title: SOWEJUST (So We Just Buzz) Category: Demo Rank: 2nd Party: Forever-Party o17 - Horna Suca 2016 Features: The feelings of a Thomson coder when it comes the time to create a production containing music. Group: PULS ( Author: __sam__ (Samuel Devulder) Machine(s): Thomson TO7/70, TO8, TO9, TO9+ (6809e @ 1Mhz) without any expansion. Format: Standard thomson disk with bootloader allowing to boot on any machine having a floppy controller, even if it only has BASIC 1 without dos extensions. Remarks: 1) The demo loops again and again, byt you can quit it any time by pressing a key. 2) This demo features a novel 4 voice player for the Thomson machine. It uses all the CPU but only needs the standard buzzer. The last voice is able to play drums instead of instrument. The buzzer player is inspired by the work of UTZ on the Spectrum, but the tracker-format has been massively optimized to occupy very little memory and provide many extensions like text-printing which is used all along this production. 4) The music is a cover of a song entitled "Alors on dance" from a Belgium artist named "Stromae" (c) Universal 2009. The GFX is also conversion of his single-CD picture. The lyrics are mine and are covered by a WTFPL :) 3) The source-code is provided in the archive. 4) This prod has only been tested on emulators (but should run fine on real machine as well :) )
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