
Cloudy with a chance of metaballs by Reboot [web]

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    ¯¯/   /     //    ¯¯   //¯     ¯¯¯¯\¯¯)   ,    //   ,    //¯     ¯¯¯)¯¯ ¯
     /   (_____//    _____//_           )/   /    //   /    (/_     ___/__ _
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¯¯¯)     /    /          ) /    '     //   '    //   '    /  /     ¯¯¯¯\____ _
  /     /    /          / /          //        //        (__/          /¯¯¯ ¯
 (_____/    (__________/ (__________/(________/(________/¯¯(__________/
                        r e b o o t   /   j a g w a r e
                        r  e  l  e  a  s  e  d  a  t  :
                        o  u  t  l  i  n  e  2  0  1  5
                        j u s b e f u c k i n c a u s e

                           t i t l e   ::    cloudy with a chance of metaballs
                         s y s t e m    ::   jagwaaaar
                         l o l k o d   ::    sh3-rg
                               m z x    ::   digi g'alessio 
                               g f x   ::    pea-rg
               s o u n d e n g i n e    ::   linkovitch
                         r a p t o r   ::    cyrano jones
       r a p t o r b a s i c p l u s    ::   ggn

//What the fuck is this shit?

It's a tasty little slice of CC music by Digi G'Alessio accompanying a number of
experiments by one of reboot's gfxers using ggn's raptor BASIC plus. Mosty, it's
fucking around with the video mode and playing with objects of varying bitdepths
and not a lot else.    It was ggn's joking idea to make this into a release that
resulted in you being subjected to this "demo". As a demo, it's quite lolsome...
and a demonstration of what a complete novice can do with BASIC on a jawaaaar it
probably has maybe a tiny bit more going for it.  But  as  something  fun to put
together for Outline it's definitely had its moments.

Separately,  all these little bits and pieces and more, as I learned how to play
with raptor BASIC plus for jaguar back in January and February this year, it was
a whole hell of a lot of  fun  -  quite  consuming  and a great distraction from
PlayStation, browsing gaming forums and,  of course,  general apathy.  rB+ is an
incredible amount of fun to play around with  in exactly the same way STOS never
was but how I always wished it was. Hopefully more people give it a crack as I'm
sure great things could be done with it in the right hands.

//Anything else planned for it?

Yes.   We want to splice it back up into its constituent parts, tidy them up and
turn them into mini tutorials so people can use them for a basis for having some
fun of their own with raptor BASIC plus.


To ggn for listening to me whine, for fixing every rB+ bug I found in doublequick
time, for adding new commands constantly and for putting so much of his own stuff
on hold to help get my sorry arse up and running and out of the mire.

To CJ for  Raptor and for actually taking the time to release and document it and
then being daft enough to listen to ggn when he suggested making the original rb.
You must have been having an off day, lol.

To damo for supplying music that I unfortunately couldn't make use of due to low-
rent-cheap-shit-ness of what I was attempting to bodge together. Forgive me.


Yeah, would love to, but too old to remember everyone and too much of a lazy xunt
to be bothered.   Plus,  do you really want to be in any way associated with this

//CC stuffs:

Here's someone who has no choice in the matter (sorry!) :0)

I'd never heard of  Digi G'Alessio  or  A Smile For Timbuctu,  but jeebus,  after
finding them on freemusicarchive.org I was more than impressed with their stuffs.

Grande Finale from the album Cirque de Poche by Digi G'Alessio CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

And at bandcamp: http://digigalessio.bandcamp.com/

//Time to fook off
