The Unhanged by Fit [web]
Fit & Friends hits the Spectrum with: T H E U N H A N G E D A little experiment with an optimized sprite routine for the original rubber key 48k and compatibles. No faking there: all the blobs are masked against other sprites and the background. An AY cartridge, such as a Melodik or Wonder AY, is needed for the sound on 48k/Plus/clones. The timings will be screwed on turbo machines, because of the beam racing needed on pre-128k Spectrums. Tested on: 48k, +2, +3, ZX Evolution and various Fuse configurations It seems that a +3/divIDE combination won't work with the standard firmware. Temporarily flash the 128k firmware and all should be well. Cde: Dr. TerrorZ (Tonto) & Marq (Speedy Gonzales) Gfx: Dr. TerrorZ Mzx: Yzi (Lonely Rider) The original Arkos Tracker player routine by Targhan.
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