Univaje by UnknownPotato
Univaje by UnknownPotato Group members: VoxWave Serdion a544jh Tools: Processing, GNU Rocket ja Moonlander Kilpikonna SVG: http://clipartist.net/links/clipartist.net/turtle_animal_lemmling.svg Fontti: https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Press+Start+2P ------------------------------------------------------------- Released at Graffathon 2014 This demo uses Processing (http://processing.org). Requires a working Java 7 installation to run. Requires Java 7 installation to run. On Windows: - run demo/demo.exe on 64-bit machines - run demo/demo32.exe on 32-bit machines On Linux / Mac (must run from sources): - install Processing (v. 2.2.1+) - open demo/demo.pde in Processing - run demo by pressing CTRL-Shift-R! - (note: some demos require Moonlander and/or Toxiclibs. If you get import errors, use Google to find these!)
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