8088 Domination by Hornet [web]
8088 Domination A Hornet production This is a sequel to my 2004 production 8088 Corruption, which displayed full-screen full-motion video on a 1981 PC with CGA and a Sound Blaster, and was nominated for a scene.org award. This sequel demonstrates completely new video playback tech I developed on and off for 7 years, and improves on the original in every single way. The most important difference is that it doesn't cheap out and use text mode; it fully uses graphics. To run this on any IBM PC, it needs a hard drive, CGA card, and a Sound Blaster 1.5 or later. Additionally, you should connect the RCA composite color output jack to something (TV, monitor, etc.) if you want to see color -- it only displays B&W on an RGB monitor. Party .NFO -- I'll write up a full explanation later on how the tech works trixter.oldskool.org in the future!
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