Day Trip by Planet Earth [web]
Helllo everybody! Sigflup at the keyboard here. We have a demo we'd like to share, called Day Trip. Featuring 3d polygons, raycasting, vertical scroll tricks, palette tricks and DMA tricks. This is meant to be run on real hardware. I have a sega-genesis model 1 with an everdrive cart. It runs on gens too, accept for dma tricks. Thanks to Oerg866 and Jorge for discovering that DMA trick. Glad you are paying attention!!!! jredd/groovemaster303 is telling me to tell you that they are honored to be the soundtrack. You can find more of their tunes at Groovemaster303's youtube and jredd's soundcloud. Let me pass the keyboard to my man forcer... What's up @party! I hope you enjoyed our little SEGA Genesis demo. All gfx are in 16 colors except ending image. I did all of them while I was still busy with my gfx entry for @party so please be gentle. Forcer/Planet Earth^SVatG
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