Omega by Desire [web]
____________________________________________________ __ ._\ ___________ \/ | _________ / \ ____ | | ___/__ \_ __ /_\ /_ ________!_ __!____/_ / __ / / /____/ \/ /________/_ \_ / / / \_____/ \_____/ / \ __ / / ____/ / ____/_\______ \ / _________/ \______/ / \/ / \/ / \__/ / / \/ \_ ___/____ \___________/\_________/ / / \ / \/ \ | /_____________/ /_______/\_____/___________/ | /_____/!NE7 | |_______________________________________________________! ! . . _______ . . __/ \__ . . _/ \_ . . / \ . . / \ . . / OMEGA \ . . | | . . | | . . | | . . ___| |___ . . . . . . code, gfx, direction: cmr . . music: Subi . . synth: 4klang by alcatraz . . compressor linker: Crinkler by Loonies and TBC . . shader minifier: by Ctrl-Alt-Test . ._______________________________________________________. . . . ---System requirements--- . . . . Fast Tripple-core CPU . . Vista or Win7 . . Top-of-the-line NVIDIA GPU . . (around GTX 570 or better) . ._______________________________________________________. . . . ---We greet--- . . . . 3LN Abyss-Connection Adept Alcatraz ApanBepan . . Apex Arsenic Artstate Attitude Avatar . . Belgian Beer Squadron Bixo Brainstorm Camelot . . Damones Darklite Defence-Force Digital Dalmatian . . Edge of Panic Flash Inc. Genesis Project . . Ghostown Hokuto Force IBB Inque Jets(l)et . . Kewlers Lft Lineout Linus LNX Loonies . . Maniacs of Noise Melon Dezign Mental Moods . . Plateau Nah Kolor Nectarine Nuance Offence . . Oxygen Paradise Proteque Quartex Quebarium . . Rebels Reboot Resistance Rrrola Samar Satori . . Scarab Still TBC The Black Lotus (TBL) . . The Dennis Courtney 5 (DC5) Titan . . Trailer Park Demos Trilobit Trinity TRSI . . Unstable Label VGO Virusz Xyce Zeroteam . ._______________________________________________________.
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