fruxis by Rgba [web]
_._________ .______ .________ .______/\_ | ____/_| ___/____| _____/__| ___ /_ | __ /| \ /_ ___ /_ _ / | \ .:\| \__ .:/ \_ .:/ | .:\ |____\ \_________/__________/_____|_____\ -//---\_____\------------------------lm!--//--> fruxis 4k executable graphics by rgba [] 2012 for trsac 2012 [] .story. aloha, long time no demo. it's being a while now, three years since the last official release. too bad. or perhaps too good, it all dependes on how you decide to look at it. thing is, in the last months i've started coding again, but i didn't plan of making an actual demo/intro/gfx just yet, as nothing that i have is enough to be worth a comeback. but it is often somebody from the outside that reminds me that it's not about the quality that much, but the fact that you contribute. it had to be a tbc member again, puryx in this case. so here it goes a quick production again. i didn't give it all the love it deserverd (see the size, there is enough room to improve work on the composition, materials, lighting etc), and i am sure i could easily get rid of a couple hundred bytes or so... but who cares, just knowing that rgba will make it again into the projection screen of a demo party like trsac is good enough of a reason to crunch a bit, finish the code, call it a prod, and move to the next project. .code. of course, those fruits are pinched spheres, and yes of course, this is raymarching in a distance field again. the difference is that this time i didn't hack the lighing with fake ambient occlusion and cheap shadows or other tricks, but i let the gpu (yep this is my first procedural gfx prod running in the gpu) compute the lighting with a simple pathtracing algotighm. everything else in the code is pretty standard. .greets. asd calodox collapse conspiracy [d]vision farbrausch fairlight fuzzion hornet loonies northen dragons plastic rebels software failure speckdrumm spontz tbc .credits. iq :: [] :: code/art :: mathepainting and mentor + blueberry :: [] :: bytemagic and codecrunching llb :: []:: shader minimizing
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