Bombscube by Desire [web]
D E S I R E presents B O M B S C U B E A 64 k demo for S U N D O W N 2012 _.,=adEBNMRh,_ ,dRXEMSVP*"^' "*$bq,_ $^ "*YWb,_ ^*Bhg,_ d' ^*TBh,_ "*$Abg,_ ,K "*YMg,_ ^*KQh,_ S` ^*TRq,_ "*8Qbm,_ ql "*YEb,_ ^*#Qb,_ @ ^*T$h,_ "*@#bm,_ d' "*YDg,_ _,gdNSF*^ dP ,G ^*GbdMWP*" ,V B' E ¶#MW%e _d$Ng, d' 4' 'B, ¶b _jM@$QZb,cQ" )@ ,edRB$b,l@ Wk,yGR$KM&$b, ,dP" Wl ]bsd%UR8BG6&$@DSyG#ZKM&$b$ ,dP "T%L 'MGF "*¶R_ Tg "*4Zk,#I YP W" 7P "*¶R 4M gd@ ^ ¶@ d@b dQ$#@Z@R3L_ "*GMj 'W ,gd$ d@b 9Q$#%b W#, `M Wb `* _4P `Qk *#N8L `H5 @b 'QR7YK `* _4F" Qk `6@L dML '@ ,BK 'M ¶B *b, '#L ^QBb,_ _,4&M°¶@=,_ _dGL _gQKM GL @k 'Mg,_ _dG, ]WBN5W$2#MNP" "*G3WRM8&B5P"`Y@QNW3Z5P" ¶#$W8BRM3XZN87 "*GW[ hft ]W5P"` _ , _ j* dP ,7 ^Qg, J, X W "Sh_ B@, L f' Zl d'`M, dQ E! dP Ml KAnmesg, .gemanq[ `N,jP$, GAxsnaq, `Ymng, ,goawnmn N| iR Wbmawse, ,eanmqr GL J@ QL )B `W' TS CL JD )D G( 6L )Z #! l@ Gl JP `YomazP' `TencsF' `R,`TauemF' sauvnmP' `Ywnacsm `TmeaPVM `VnamoF' "Yed@mea J' "YM YG ,P `M , X' _,gXP N, Gh_ ,P _,s#F^ ^@g, W _,m6P^ "Bw,_ J'_,sEF" "T$#QP^ " C R E D I T S C O D I N G - S U B I M U S I C - S U B I T E T R I S L O G O S - S U B I Uses 4Klang softsynth ( by Dominik ´Gopher´ Ries and Paul ´pOWL´ Kraus of Alcatraz. Uses Crinkler EXE compressor ( by Rune L. H. Stubbe (Mentor/TBC) and Aske Simon Christensen (Blueberry/Loonies). This is the 95% party version, please look out for the 100%! I just had to sleep before the party... I can't do coding deathmarches any more, too old! ^_^ Current issues: - Does NOT run properly on ATI/AMD graphics cards (none available to test with!). - Only 720 (no time to optimise for 1080) - Doesn't change the res. - Doesn't really end properly. :) Sorry to Mary for using up our evenings coding this thing! Thanks to Hammerfist for the cool ASCII above! Sorry I didn't get to use any of the shapes you made, they will be in the 100% version! Ramon B5 wanted a mention. :)
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