Molejo by Valhalla
. . m o l e j o . 2.10.96 . . . the 64k wired'96 intro . p r e s e n t (a two week production from valhalla) . optix . c o d e & . aquafresh/dolphin . m u s i c . to run this intro you'll need vesa 2.00 either in hware . r e q. or in sware (univbe 5.2+). no vesa 2.00 - no intro . gus for music (SB support in final version) . . pentium for code (486 support in neither version) . . this is the party version and there is a bug: the real-time . n o t e blobs don't work on everyone's machine. Dunno why . some effects run too quickly. Know why . if your computer dies, its not our fault.. unless its deep . freeze's pc.. :) . . statix/psychic link for guidance, inspiration and love :) . t h a n k s lca/pulse for help with irqs . deep freezer/fuel for the use and dismemberment of his pc :) . jay foad for doing the blobs first . . optix - deep freezer, statix, gandalf, jello, pulse, oxygene . g r e e t s ravian, compile, retrox, the_edge, galvados, karl, pitbull . i love you all . . aquafresh - deep freezer, gandalf, lca, ice, darkness, access . ravian, pitbull . all the uk slappers and the rest i know.. . . valhalla has finished. we came, we saw, we conquered . l a s t l y . we will return . . optix - . c o n t a c t aquafresh - .
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