
New Years Disc 2011 by PPS

New Years Disc 2011

WOW! This is just the 5th edition. Never thought at the beginning, that that could become real.
Even This edition is full of funny stuff for our little machine for a right start into the new year.

Ok don't want to bore you with long texts here.

Find these things on the 2 discs:

Disc one:

Kleeblatt and Schneemann		done by me
Jacfield and Badekapp Miel 3		by JAC!
Atallax					by MaPa & PG
Intro 2011				by Heaven
Happy New Year				by Sikor

Disc two:

Spectipede				by Rybags
Happy 2011				bby Inspiration Soft
Spectipede notes			code by me, text by Rybags

We all wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
                               MAY YOUR ATARI ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!