Reality Check by Mercury [web]
========= ///////////////MERCURY\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////presents\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////an/animation\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////for//BREAKPOINT\2010\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////REALITY!CHECK\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //CONCEPT//ANIMATION/MUSIC//BY//PSYKON\\ ======================================== So, ok, this is the last breakpoint... ...Breakpoint 2003 was my first demoparty. I kinda have a "end of a (personal) era" feeling.. but fuck that! I believe there will be a nice scene as long as there are people willing to do the things they love (and drop there pants) So I decided to to a kind of Animation I wanted to do for a long time. Sadly I couldn't do it as well as I wanted it to be Because I hat a lot to do at the film school I joined last summer, but anyway. I got myself 2 weeks of free time and banged together this little vid. Now to the Interesting stuff Hardware & Software I used for it: -JVC GY-HM700 (Cam) -Ableton Live (for music obviously) -PF Track (Matchmoving/Tracking) -Cinema4D (Modeling/Animation/Rendering) -After Effects (Compositing/Grading/Stuff) -Premiere (Cutting) If you're interested in how everything was done, well there was alot of texture baking involved. You can figure the rest out for yourself ;-) So, this is it... I've written an info file while wastet at breakpoint. Enjoy the prod. Thanks My fellow MERCURY friends: LAS RED URS SRC MOULDY CAT AMI AND THE FRICKING COOL SQUOSQUO GUYS! penis! penis! penis! lol!
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