Waveride by Straylight
Waveride by Straylight - March 25, 2010 Welp, not much to say. I said I was going to create a demo a week until I had a clue what I was doing. Waveride is the first of these demos, and I'm pretty damn proud of it. It's not perfect, and I'm not terribly happy with having used an off-the-shelf song for it, but eh. Decided to sit down and write a demo, and I did it. That was 1am, this is 8am. Can't complain too much. Developed and designed by Daeken. Music is Miriel by Nightbeat (I believe this is cool -- if not, please, please let me know, and I'll change it at once.) Greets to: Nightbeat ASD SVatG Lateralus Kewlers Until next time, - Daeken
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