Planes by License
PLANES 256 byte intro by The NeveR SLeePiNG/LICENSE Hardware requirements : - p200 (pII 400 recomenned) ,fuck up your cryix (C) processor ,because it is shit :) - vga Join: If you want join LICENSE or ,your team's need a coder then contact me ! My e-mail address : it is so short ,i love it :) Note : The code is "optimized" for size not for speed. I'm inspired by Fefe(/Breeze)'s 256 byte intro called tunnel. Some fucking useful ( copied ) text : thismaterialisnotfreeware.youareallowedtocopyitwithout restrictionsfornon-commercialuse.nopaymentofanykindmaybe chargedforthisproductoranycombinationofproductsorservices includingthisproductwithoutourauthorizationandofficialwritten LICENSE.commercialuse,especiallytheindustrialmanufacturingon anydatastoragemediaandtheirdistributionwithouttheexpressed permissionoftheproducer,isstrictlyprohibited.thesefiles containedthereinmaynotbealteredormodifiedwithoutthepermission oftheauthor.youtakefullresponsibilityfortheoperationofthis softwareandanyconsequencesthereof.Ithecreatorcannotaccept liabilityfordamagesorfailuresarisingfromtheuseofthissoftware. Greets : tresy/nymph The Fire Shark The InvisbleMan WARning #coders #scene coder-l Respects (shortest edition) : All cool guy on the place called SCENE. 25. January 1999. The NeveR SLeePiNG/LICENSE
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