Deep Science by Fairlight [web]
deep science by fairlight pc 4k at assembly 2008 code, visuals and music by smash. contact: vs3.0, ps3.0 and d3dx9_31.dll is required. requires a high end graphics card due to the heavy post processing and sacrificing speed for size. you're advised to run the lower resolution version because it doesnt make much difference to the quality, but it does make it a lot faster. this is doing deferred lighting and realtime ambient occlusion in screen space. thanks to iq for doing something similar and releasing it before i did. damnit. :) also thanks to blueberry and mentor for crinkler. several versions are supplied: flt_deep_science_1280x720.exe - compo version - fullscreen, widescreen 1280x720. flt_deep_science_640x480.exe - fullscreen 640x480 - slightly larger because of the screen borders. flt_deep_science_1280x720_faster.exe - compo version - fullscreen, widescreen 1280x720 with a reduced post process. looks a bit worse, but it's faster. flt_deep_science_640x480_faster.exe - fullscreen 640x480 with a reduced post process - slightly larger because of the screen borders. this will run the fastest, if you're really struggling. flt_deep_science_640x360_windowed.exe - windowed 640x360, if you really must run windowed.
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