Loop01 - Digi.com by Cubic Team [web]
loop01 information file history: The roots of loop01 go back to the summer of '94. For our 64k-intro VEX we needed a good packing algorithm and I finally found out how the inflation algorithm in pkunzip works by taking a look at pkunzjr.com. This worked perfect, we shrunk vex to 65536 bytes. :) What a pity that VEX did not make it to the bigscreen at the Assembly '94, most probably because of missing gus support, it was a nice intro for that time. Later at the end '94 / beginning of '95 I had the idea to make a very small executable ZIP unpacker and made a version which did not work that well and I postponed that project for the sake of cubic player. A few weeks before Assembly '95 I restarted coding on the unpack routine, and a week before Assembly it was about 450 bytes long. In the weeks before the Assembly I was quite busy, because I had to supply our group with code for our animation SPACE01 (player, converter, landscape generator & stuff), and we had to finish off cubic player and the contracts for the Party 4 CD. making: Well, it was Sunday by then and I had the idea to make a clone of cyboman 2 by complex in 4k to test my packer and use that for the 4k intro competition at the Assembly '95. All I had was a dithered-gouraud polygon routine for flat mode which I then converted to real mode. The rest of the code was made in the time from Tuesday to Friday 23:00 (don't forget the flight to Helsinki...). I also wanted to make a flight throught the doughnut and put in some birds or fish, but as the deadline was moving closer and closer and the code did not like a flight throught the doughnut I dropped those ideas. :(( They would have made loop01 a lot more interesting, than just those SUCKING, AWEFUL, PPPHHHHHHOOOONNNGG SHADED, (!%(/&%Q(/!"$ DOUGHNUTS..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH. I CANNOT STAAAAAAAAND THEM ANYMORE!!!!! I HAD TO WATCH LOOP01 FOR A HUNDRED TIMES.... DO NOT DARE TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT IN YOUR PRODUCTIONS!!! 4k-compo: The 4k-compo compo was cool. You could see many things you did not expect in 4k... loop01 had problems on the bigscreen, it did not run smooth at all... :((( I forgot to init the timer correctly. There are two timer modes, and on the bigscreen computer the wrong one was set and so the donuts went back and forth. On my computer the right one was set and I did not test loop01 on any other computer.... (no comments, please!) It did not look nice at all. Anyway, that's the way it was. Loop01 finally became 10th. bbs-intro: On the Assembly Lukas Grunwald asked me to make an intro for his BBS Digital Nightmare in Hildesheim and a month after the Assembly I completed it together with DOJ. In that version music, text on the donut, text on the phongmap, multiple lightsources and an endansi was added, and some bugs corrected. It was 7k in size. loop01 1.5: After the Wired '95 I took the BBS intro and took the music and the endansi out, and changed the text to put that version on the Assembly '95 CD, because the 1.0 version is somehow to buggy and ugly. read in gsn: "one 4k-intro was pain. lots of donuts spinning around..." "the author must have been watching jmagic productions..." That's about it concerning loop01. greets fly out to all cp users! pascal / cubic team, 11'95
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