
Wargasm by Extreme

As we were REALLY pissed off with wargasm when we released it the second
time, I wouldn't be the least surprised if there's loads of bugs and
other nasty things... but I wanted to release it anyway, cos we've been
workin' on it for quite a while...

I doubt that SoundBlaster support works... (build a covox... they're
faster, thereof has better sound quality, cheaper aso...)
Zyric's part isn't included at all, cos he wad even more tired of it than me...
The intro part doesn't work on the internal speaker, but who cares...
The scrollies may be very old and unimportant and wrong...
I haven't tested it on more than my computer, and I think it'll crash
(or something similar) on some others

Look out for our coming stuff... A great sinusmaker made by Zyric
and a picfixer (or what it's gonna be) made by me...

    /Baldric of EXTREME