
Flint by Evoflash [web]

               _ __  __  ____  __  _/ \_  __  ____  __  __ _
                   \ \_) )__/ /  \_\   /_/  \ \__( (_/ /
      ._________ _____ ____/ /__   _____   __\ \____ _____ ________.
     _|__  _   //    //   / /   \_/     \_/   \ \   \\    \\   _ __|_
     \|       /          /_/         .         \_\          \      |/
      !                              :_____________________        !
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 \ \\ \   \ \   \ \                  |                      / /   / /   / // /
      .\__ \ \   \ \                 |                     / /   / / __/ //
      |   \_\ \___\ \____            |            ________/ /___/ /_/
      !   ____________  \            |            /___________     .
       __/            \_ \           |           /            \    !
       \      ____     /__\____      |          /     ___      \__  
      . \     \       /       /      :         /      \          / . 
      :  \     \_____/       /       .        /        \        /  :
      |   \                 /\               /                 /   |
      |    \______         /  \             /____             /    |
      !           \_______/    \           /     \___________/     !
     _________________:         \         /_______     ______:_____
   _/                 |          \      _/       /   _/      |     \_
   \__       _______  |   ________\___  \    ___/____\       |      /
     |          /     |___\_    __       \_______     \_           /_.
     |       __/      /     \_  \        /      /      /     _       |
     |        |              /          /             /      |       |
     |     ___|___          /       ___/_            /|______|       |
      .                                                            .
      :                  In their second year 2007                 :
      |             _ __  _                     _  __ _            |
      |                ( ((   E V O F L A S H   )) )               |
      |                                                            |
      |                is association with BombSquad               |
     _|                                                            |_
     \|                          presents                          |\
      \                                                          __|_\
      :\                                                         \ |
      |                       _-=The Flint=-_                     \!
      |                                                            \
      |                                                            :\
      !     -+- entry to the Flashscene.org 32k SWF Compo -+-      |
      .                                                            |
      :                                                            |
      |                          credits                           |
      |                                                            |
      |     Jalava .................... code                       |
      |     Parker Kane ............... code                       |
      |.    minomus ................... music                      |
      /                                                            !
     /|     Uses evo.engine for synchronization:                   .
    /_|     http://engine.evo.bombsquad.org                        :
      |                                                            |
      |                                                            \
      |     Contact:                                               |\
      |      www: http://evo.bombsquad.org                         |-\
      |    email: jalava@evo.bombsquad.org                         |
      |           parker@evo.bombsquad.org                         |
      |                                                            |
      |  Remarks: This intro was put together in a real hurry,     |
      |           I had quite a fever and flu during the           |
      |           critical moments, but I think it came out ok.    |
      |                                                            |
      |           We are still only group doing flash stuff        |
      |           in 800x400 resolution.                           |
      :                                       -Jalava              :_.
      .                                                            |/
      |                   (. evo.bombsquad.org .)                  |
_ __ _|                ___                      ___                |_ __ _
   ///| ______________/  /_______        _______\  \______________ |\\\
      :/           __ ___ _____ /        \ _____ ___ __           \|
                . /_//__//___ //___    ___\\ ___\\__\\_\ .
                        _ __// _ __\  /__ _ \\__ _