New Year 1997 by Brainlez Coders!
Documento for el' audio visualo multimedio presentationo NEW YEAR 1997 (also titled tykalut) (c) Copyright 1996, 1997 Brainlez Coders! ------ May THE SPACEHERO ANTHOLOGY be with you! * Disclaimeros -------------- This demonstration is (c) copyright Brainlez Coders! All media are for the use of public. Unauthorized selling or commercial distribution, commericial use or publication without written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. (if you are putting together a CD-ROM or something, send e-mail to SLIVER@ICEZ.NULLNET.FI and ask for permission) You may freely distribute and copy this production provided that no fee is charged and the distribtion archive(s) of this production contains unmodified copies of the original files as produced by us. No part of this production may be modified, altered, reverse engineered, sold, or distributed in any form whatsoever which would involve some sort of trade without prior written permission from the author. This production is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind or fitness for a particular purpose, either expressed or implied, all of are hereby explicitly disclaimed. We won't guarantee any single thing. This production isn't made to cause any damage to you, your computer or to anyone. However, due we aren't professionals and we don't have many BETA-TEST sessions, there may be some bugs which may cause damage. Minimum requirements: * 80386 compatible and mathco processor * VGA Recommented: * Pentium(tm) compatible * GUS * VGA, fast one. Supports: * Intel, AMD, Cyrix (Atleast the newest ones) * GUS(/max), SB(/2/pro/16/32), No Sound * All 100% VGA compatible cards and monitors which can handle mode 13h * Informationo -------------- Just had a nice x-maso? Though BC! can't make a release for new year '97?-) Greets to P.K/BC!, 18 years now (1st/jan/1997) !!! Happy new year 1997! Year just changedo when we released this, hope this yearo will be even bettero than last yearo. WE had a nice party, hope you had too. Lasto yearo we dedicatedo for foodo. (meato, fisho, vegetablo -party) BC! has dedicated this year for tools, meaning hammers, screwers, etc. We will organise some parties around Finlando, mostly in Helsinki. First partieso of '97 will be VASARA'97 (hammer'97) and we will continue with the othero ones later.. Tonttu, the magicalo wonderochildo of lamenesso, made this one during the x-mas vacationo. Sorry for all, we had decidedo to make a game for x-mas, but I guess we'll have to release it latero. So looko outo for "Antti Pilaa Joulun 1" ... We just didn't have time to finisho all the graphicos and musicos. Tunnelo is the trendo of '97, too. Hope you get boredo and make somethingo new to kick the tunnelos away :) * Softoware usedo: TechEditor, Turbo Pascalo, Deluxe Painto, Scream Trackero, PC-DOS, 4Dos * Hardoware usedo: AMD-K5/133, S3 Trio64 2mb, GUS/Maxo 1mb, Keytronics Keyboardo, A4 Mouse, Sony * El resulto: Tunnelos, shitty music, no designo, just a try to make something groove?-) looking. buhao. * Credits: Tonttu : Codingo, Graphicos, El'Musico, Designo (Ok, I USED HEAPS PCX LOADER, GOD DAMN IT!) Antti Huovinen : Adrenalino modulos playero v0.96 (+ the bugs :)) * Los Greetingos / Asso lickingos / Respectos: ---------------------------------------------- Cool Productions, TPOLM, Dubius, PwP, Orange, A-Men, HiRMU, Ruskean Rein Ritarit, RUMA, Liquid, Katharsis, #jatkot, Shock, Cobra Creations, Velocity, Imphobia, Five Coders, Damones, Cute, TurboMan FanClub, Hiljaa!, Cubic Team, ISO, TaaT, Purple, Interamnia, DCC, Borealis, Flo, Deep, And all who ever wantos us to greet, lickedos assos, or re'specto. Superhyperspecialogreetsos to Marja for organising such a party for us 31.12.1996 -> 1.1.1997 Specialo greetingos to BETA/A-MEN; please, make a new version of adnmod, it seems, that SB support sucks somehow when there's not enuff of conventional memory.. shouldn't SB player use EMS or even XMS if I use INIT_XMS?? * Contactingo: -------------- E-mailo : IRChato : #bc! (Bot'o _mostly_ down) WWWeb'o : (Netscapo 2+ only) BBSyste': The Tombstone: (whq) +358-9-3401608 (v34 / 24h) Snailo mailo : Brainlez Coders! c54a5 00190 Helsinki Finland <End Of Documento>
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