Disk Maggie 04 by The Lost Boys
MM MM AAAAAAAAA GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGG II EEEEEEEEEE MMM MMM AA AA GG GG II EE MM M M MM AA AA GG GG II EE MM M MM AAAAAAAAA GG GGGGGG GG GGGGGGG II EEEEEE MM MM AA AA GG G GG GG G GG II EE MM MM AA AA GG GG GG GG II EE MM MM AA AA GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGG II EEEEEEEEEE 44 0000000000 44 00 00 44 44 00 00 44 44 00 00 44 44 00 00 444444444 00 00 44 00 00 44 .. 00 00 44 .. 0000000000 TUT TUT TUT, here we are again with another packed issue of disc maggie. As usual we are running late but we can definitely make up for it. Maggie 4.0 has quite a few new features and all the bugs removed. The new features are the Colour Changer, the new text displayer and the help screen. The colour changer can be used to change colours while viewing a document. You can then adjust it so that it is better for your eyes. You can only change the background colour and the colour of the text at the top of the screen. The new text displayer is using machine code and is therefore a lot faster. You can now jump to any page, scroll up and down by lines and everything is still controlled by the keyboard and the mouse. You get the help screen by pressing the H on the main menu or while viewing an article. A new screen will then come up informing you about the various new and old keys and buttons that you can press in Maggie. And now for the bugs which have been fixed. First of all you could not save a document in the older issues, and if you were able to it crashed whn trying to load the next article. Both of these bugs have been fixed. The other problem that has been solved was the printing, sometimes it did not quite work, well it works now. In case you have no printer or your printer is not switched on I have included an offtime so that the program will return to the main menu in case one of these problems occurs. When you run the charts you have to press the space bar a few times in order to move onto the next screen. The controls of the space ship are the cursor keys and return to fire (so far I have no idea what the fire is for. When you have finished playing around with them you can press F10 to exit them. By the way, the intro by The Cooperation does not work on a half megabyte machine. The other intro which was supposed to be on this disc had to be taken off as it did not run on any English computers, the only machines it worked on were German STs. So I had to return it and ask them to make it run for the 5th issue whwich should hopefully be out in about 1 1/2 months time, so, 'til then, happy reading and hacking !!! Yours the Maggie Team (Michael Schuessler) TTTTTTTTTTTTT LL BBBBBBBBB TT LL BB BB TT LL BB BB TT LL BBBBBBBBB TT LL BB BB TT LL BB BB TT LLLLLLLLL BBBBBBBBB
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