Photosynthesis by Mewlers
A MEWLERS DEMONSTRATION IN 1995 P H O T O S Y N T H E S I S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This demo was originally ment to be a contribution to the democompo in scenario'95 held in Lahti, Finland, but when we were finishing our demo at the partyplace, suddenly we noticed that we had about 45 minutes to the deadline, and about a half of our routines weren't coded or added to the demo. Somehow we ended up not finish and release it until now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This demo requires a 486 with GUS (512kb) or SB 1.0 or newer. (Sound Blaster support even worked on my GUS with SBOS when I tried but the sound quality was terrible and it slowed down like hell).Some low memory is required also. It should work with QEMM/EMM but if it doesn't, use HIMEM only. There shouldn't be any bugs anymore, so far we know... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The credits are... Code: Rainmaker and Sorbus, 3d engine by Sorbus, Music: Manticore, GFX: Manticore and Rainmaker, 3d objects by all of us with Sorbus' vectormaker (and special thanks to Santa for his nice object for our demo), Desing: Rainmaker and Manticore, Player: BWSB Music System. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our memberlist: ............................ in joining order Sorbus ................................................. Code Rainmaker .......................................... Code,Gfx Manticore ......................................... Music,Gfx 1in10 ................................................. Music Uncle-X .................................... Raytracing,Music Baboon ......................................... Party member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to contact us, call our WHQ Gateway: SysOp: Fugitive, Open 24h, 1.5GB of demostuff, CD-ROM... etc. Node#1: +358-(9)0-5092486 (28800 Bps) Node#2: +358-(9)0-5863891 (14400 Bps) Or call our Memberboard: Mewlers Hideout +358-(9)0-5472310 (28800 Bps) SysOp: Sorbus/Mewlers Open 24h, Lots of GIFs, MPEGs, JPGs, etc... Running under PCB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some greetings: MFX, Halcyon, Exotic Men, A-Men, Orange, Amour, Coma, PCA, Real Potatoes, KoNE, Bomb Squad, Capacala, Symptom, BC, Coral... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This demo is freeware, distribute it as much as you like.. We are not responsible for any damage our demo makes to your computer. For commercial distribution (jooheiehhehehe), please ask our permission. This demo can be presented in all kinds of happenings but not in PC SuperStore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -= M E W L E R S 1 9 9 5 =-
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