w3'r3'b4ck! by Minimalanimal [web]
w3'r3'b4ck / minimalanimal // This is just a party version. Blame to solart. So because that, we have to put some instructions: INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Execute the file mm_w3'r3'b4ck.exe 2.Click on the "Open Preset" button. 3.Select the file "mm.xml" 4.Fullscreen and all that.. 5.Run! 6.Enjoy! // System by shinart Composition by ecart + solart Guest Star: ronny pries (thx dude!!) Btw, dowload the full EP where this tune is, I mean, NOW: http://www.realaudio.ch/tec/ratc009.html minimalanimal 2005 (did we had any URL? who cares..)
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