The final journey by CPU Love
OK, oPUs at the keyb.. I'm at imp8 right now drinking some beer.. We've just finnished the Final Journey and be sure that this will be the very last Cpu Love froduction.. We'll continue with Collapze and there won't be any more basic productions from us apart from the new version of lame paint wich will be released under the Collapze label :-) Lame Paint is completely developed by Fuzzkid. I've already told you that there won't be any more basic productions from us but if we get stressed out and really want to release something we might give you some basic stuff :-) Otherwise we'll try to learn Assembler and atleast _try_ to release something. Hope you won't be dissapointed with the fact that cpu love will leave the scene (I don't think you will though ;-))) but in my meaning this is the best Cpu Love demo ever to be released but it's not good.. :-) Well, now it's not much more to say but wish you a really happy new year!! May the Atari scene live long and prosper!!! now for some fuzzwords: yo bitchassmotherfuckers!!! (just kiddin') this i fuzzkid stuck to tha keyb... I really hope you are reading this text cause i'm gonna explane one or two things 4 u. cpu-love is lame but we dont care cause cpu-love is an old section of the ircwarrior-crew INTERPHAZE : ( they suck... we joined them a few years ago and were codin' basic on old computers (well we are lame :))(nevermind). then opus came up with the bright idea of creating somthin' own. we decided to code asm and leave the hole thing behind. in ucm #13 there are some strange things written about us, but dont mind them. we created collapze wich is me, opus and falcoholic (i really dont know him but he's got a falcon :))). now it's 01.55.1999 and wer are at imp... releasin the last cpu-love basic demo, and cpu-love are no more. :) we are now trying not to look to lame and learn to code asm. I'm releasin' lampaint v.7.12 (7.11 is availeble. just mail me fuzzkid(a) witch is avery good paint utility :). GET IT NOW!!! live long and prosper dont blame us lamers. at least we try... intel outside friendship inside... we greet all atari users!! we love u be happy. We'd like to greet: (Dead/Alive.. Who cares?) Absence Adrenaline AN Cool (and the rest of TCB) Atari Corp. Aura Avena Checkpoint Dead Hackers Society Digital Chaos DNT Crew DTVM Dune E.K.O EXA FUN Gothia Snus Hydroxid I.C.E Inter Impulse Imponance Lazer Misfits MJJ Prod Mugwumps Mystic Bytes New Beat New Trend No Crew Reservoir Gods Sanity Senior Dads Shadows The Black Lotus Therapy Toons Trio TRSi .tSCc. UDS Wildfire YES Crew And those that we've forgotten. You know who you are! oPUs personal greetings MALmen, Toodeloo, evil, cal, Shadow, den svenska ordningsmakten, falcoholic all raggers on fp/nobel (i bet they'll never see this anyway), shadow, combat, ppl i don't have in mind rite now (sorry..). fuzzkid personal greetings mailman h-stone gazel falcoholic mille babic and a few i don't ork to skriv.
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