Dragon Demo by TSA Bros [web]
DragonDemo 1.0.0 This demo is designed to run on Sony Clie N760 & N710 it hasn't been tested on any other plateform but obviously it will - certainly work on any N7xx, N6xx and T6xx device. - certainly crash on any other device. This demo uses heavily the MQ1100 video accelerator chip. So if your device doesn't feature this chip, don't even try runing this demo. The demo is delivered as it is and cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of data on any device. Even if all the tests performed never crashed any device, neither caused any reset on any device, you are strongly advised to backup all your data before running this application. This demo shows our first attempt at coding specificaly on the Sony Clié, using its very unique capabilities - high resolution - colorful display - smooth fullscreen animations thanks to the MQ1100 graphic acceleration hardware. If you need information, or want to talk about clié development, contact the Tsa Brothers at tsabros@hotmail.com please, just don't mail to ask why it doesn't run on your Prism or Ipaq. and keep looking for our next release. The TSAbros are: Olivier: code Yoyo: GFX WinterMute: code & GFX
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