DualSoul by JapoTek
D U A L S O U L 'No design, just style' an hurried (as usual) JapoTek production Dual Soul requirements: ----------------------- - Windows 95 and Direct X 5 (*NO* 3d accel. gfx card (like 3dfx) is required!) - A sound card compatible with MIDAS Digital Audio System (almost everyone) - 32 Megabytes of RAM - X Megabytes of free Hard Disk space - two eyes, two ears, and a lot of other 'nice' stuffs.. :) JapoTek's Homepage : http://www.cis.it/japotek This demo entered the PC democompo at The Italian Gathering 1998 demo party held in Pescara on 11-14th of September (great thanx to the organizer for their patience.. ) Feymour / JapoTek
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