

      kodachrome, by teadrinker
      256b  intro  for  MicroW8
      Released at Deadline 2023

Dithering idea inspired by an article 
by Martin Roberts on quasirandom sequences,
but applied to the integer 320x240 case.

This was supposed to be a 1-bit black and
white intro, but the built-in MicroW8
rainbow palettes are hard to resist...

Trepaan, Slipstream, Still, Omega,
Poo-Brain, ASD, Altair, Logicoma, Mercury, 
Cocoon, Fairlight, Trauma, Conspiracy, 
rgba, Rage, Spaceballs, Future Crew!

Thanks to
 * Deadline orgas!
 * Lovebyte orgas!
 * exoticorn for creating MicroW8!
 * the inventors of tea!
